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leena gour


leena gour - 2011年05月30日 星期一 15:04
Accessible to all.

An application is said to be accessible if all type of users including disabled are able to use it.

Martin Dougiamas


Martin Dougiamas - 2003年11月11日 星期二 14:38
Activities in Moodle are educational things to do. They include, for example: discussing a topic in a forum, writing a journal entry, submitting an assignment, or completing a quiz.

Guillermo Miranda Álamo


Guillermo Miranda Álamo - 2005年04月29日 星期五 01:19
As Far As I Know 微笑

Helen Foster


Helen Foster - 2006年01月7日 星期六 06:27
An abbreviation for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML" - technologies for creating interactive web applications.

Jamie Pratt


Jamie Pratt - 2007年10月6日 星期六 02:27
AMFPHP is a 'remoting server'. It is a piece of software that you install on your server that allows Flash movies to seamlessly talk to PHP. More info here :

Bente Olsen


Bente Olsen - 2011年11月23日 星期三 18:34

An acronym for Automated Manipulation of Strings, Moodle's translation tool located at lang.moodle.org.

Joshua Todd Cowper


Joshua Todd Cowper - 2016年06月8日 星期三 20:39

AMPPS is a WAMP, MAMP and LAMP stack of Apache, MySQL, MongoDB, PHP, Perl, Python & Softaculous. http://www.ampps.com/

moi!!! it is what is is...


Colin Fraser - 2010年10月21日 星期四 21:30

Short name for Apache HTTP Server Project. This is the web server environment that Moodle was developed in, a freely downloadable Open Source product from Apache Software Foundation.

Gossip: The original name for Apache Server was "A patchy server", but cooler heads prevailed and named it Apache - didn't matter, it worked so well it celebrated its 15th birthday February 2010 and has been the Web's most popular server environment since April of 1996.

Martin Dougiamas


Martin Dougiamas - 2003年10月22日 星期三 22:28
Applets are small programs written in Java and embedded within web pages. Most recent browsers can run these small programs if you have Java installed on your computer.



Jon Witts - 2010年08月31日 星期二 00:07
Acceptable Use Policy

This is an acronym that used most commonly in UK schools. It is a policy document that sets out the school's or institution's terms for acceptable use of IT facilities and the Internet.

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