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Tom Murdock


by Tom Murdock - Saturday, October 4, 2003, 6:50 AM
A symptom or psychoses prompted by too much Moodling. Oodle-Moodle often manifests itself in relationships that have been stunted while Moodling. Husbands, wives, and children may ask an oodled soul to "step away from the machine" and to communicate once again with hand gestures and verbal cues rather than emoticons.

Might be contagious.

Helen Foster


by Helen Foster - Friday, February 26, 2016, 5:01 PM
Short for Original Poster, in other words the person starting the discussion.

Lionel Redelinghuys


by Lionel Redelinghuys - Friday, September 25, 2009, 3:19 PM
A commercial database management system like MS SQL with an Open Source leg.

Jason Jolaoso

OS or Operating System

by Jason Jolaoso - Thursday, December 17, 2015, 7:43 AM
Operating System in computing is defined as a system software that:

i.controls hardware and serves as interface between user and hardware.
ii.controls input and output of data or infomation
iii.serves as a platform for managing general applications/software or customized software

looking through the window


by Maryel Mendiola - Sunday, February 28, 2010, 3:25 AM
An Outcome is like any other grade except that it can be applied to multiple activities. When the activity is marked, a mark should be given for the submission itself and for the outcome.

Outcomes are newly introduced in Moodle 1.9

basically implements a way to connect outcome statements with Scales.
Scales themselves are connected to courses and their activities.


ExampleOutcome: ‘Identityin social psychology’

Scales:{Refuser, Drifter, Searcher, Guardian, Resolver}