Glossary of common terms
This glossary defines a number of words you will see used often in discussions about Moodle - you'll find them highlighted throughout this course.
If you wish to import this glossary to your Moodle site, you can download this file of exported entries: glossary_of_common_terms_20101214.xml.
Please feel free to add new words here!
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
A |
autonomous system (AS) | |||
An Autonomous system (AS) is a collection of IP networks and routers under the control of one entity (or sometimes more) that presents a common routing policy to the Internet | |||
B |
BDFL | ||
Benevolent Dictator For Life. Often the founder and lead developer for open-source software projects. This individual often must make critical decisions in the design of an ongoing project in order to maintain consistency and resolve disputes. Guido van Rossum, the project leader of Python, is an individual who is often given this label. See also: | ||
Bitnami Stack | |||
A Bitnami Stack provides a single application LAMP, WAMP or MAMP for Moodle installations. This approach offers a good solution to Users who want a test site on a stand alone computer. The Bitnami Stack also provides a more stable environment for adding additional PHP applications than other, similar solutions. | |||
Blended learning | |||
Blended learning is a learning scenario where online and face-to-face activities are combined. Individual learning tasks may also combine in-class activities with online activities in rapid succession. Flexible classrooms with movable desks/chairs and wireless notebooks connected to the internet are ideal for blended learning. One variant of blended learning is when a teacher uses a full-time classroom setting and assigns online homework out-of-class. In a corporate context, blended learning involves a combination of instructor-led instruction, on-job training, self-study materials, and mentoring/coaching systems. | |||
BMA | |||
The Branded Moodle App (BMA) is a mobile app customisation service offered by Moodle HQ. For more information visit | |||
Breadcrumb | ||
Breadcrumbs are what Hansel and Gretel used the famous fairy tale to remember the way back to where they came from. Moodle DOES NOT use breadcrumbs, as this is what your browser is for and why it has a back button/menu. Moodle has a navigation bar in the header (and optionally footer) that shows the location of the current page within the site structure. | ||
BTW | ||
Abbreviation for "By The Way". | ||
C |
C | |||
C is a medium-level programming language invented by Dennis Ritchie around 1973 at Bell Laboratories. Created to be the implementation language for the UNIX operating system, C went on to become one of the most widely-used programming languages worldwide in the 1980's, having been gradually supplanted for applications development both by its offspring C++ and Java and by scripting languages such as Perl, Python and PHP, the latter being the language that Moodle itself is written in. | |||
Cache | |||
A small amount of memory between a slow process and a faster process which acts as a way of improving system performance. PHP caches are used to improve PHP performance. | |||