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Cristi Ionescu

Cristi Ionescu

Cristi Ionescu


by Cristi Ionescu - Friday, 29 September 2006, 11:35 PM

Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is a collection of standards and specifications for web-based e-learning. It defines communications between client side content and a host system called the run-time environment (commonly a function of a learning management system). SCORM also defines how content may be packaged into a transferrable ZIP file.
After going through SCORM standards 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2004 first edition, the current latest version is SCORM 2004 2nd edition.

James Irwin

James Irwin

James Irwin


by James Irwin - Tuesday, 9 December 2008, 1:20 AM
UTT is a forum term and is an abbreviation of Undescriptive Thread Title.

Examples of this could be "hey guys" or "funny pic".