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dieuthuyenvtt dieuthuyenvtt

Website bán sách online tạo nên điều khác biệt gì?

Bởi dieuthuyenvtt dieuthuyenvtt - Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 11 2020, 5:51 PM
Hiện nay,thời đại của công nghệ thông tin ngày càng phát triển, khi mà hầu hết tất cả mọi người đều biết đến sử dụng internet, dẫn đến lượng nhu cầu mua hàng trực tuyến càng cao thì việc thiết kế website bán sách giá rẻ trên mạng là một việc làm cần thiết và tốt nhất giúp khách hàng tìm được các sản phẩm sách mà bạn cung cấp.
Sở hữu một trang web bán sách online là hướng đi đúng đắn vì nó tạo ra được tính ưu việt, vượt trội hơn so cách mua,bán hàng trực tiếp tại các cửa hàng, nhà sách. Hơn nữa, cơ hội để những cuốn sách của bạn tiếp cận với khách hàng ngày một lớn. Vậy điều gì giúp website bán sách online tạo nên điều khác biệt này.
- Sản phấm được cập nhật liên tục: Khách hàng sẽ luôn luôn tìm được những cuốn sách mà họ thích.
- Sản phẩm được bán không giới hạn thời gian: trang web của bạn giống như một cửa hàng thu nhỏ được mở cửa chào đón khách 24/24.
- Kiểm soát được hiệu quả: Qua công cụ đánh giá bạn có thể biết được có bao nhiêu khách hàng truy cập vào website của mình, những cuốn sách nào được yêu thích nhất, thể loại nào được ưa chuộng. Qua đó sẽ giúp các bạn cần nên đầu tư mạnh vào sản phẩm nào.
Ngoài ra cửa hàng còn có thể chào bán những cuốn sách, thể loại mà cửa hàng chưa nhập về. Điều này tiết kiệm được rất nhiều chi phí vì mình biết được nhu cầu của khách hàng để có nguồn cung thật hợp lí.


>> Có thể bạn quan tâm: dịch vụ seo web tại tphcm


1. Trang chủ:

Đăng tải các thông tin về sách như: mã sách, tên sách, tác giả, hình ảnh, mô tả ngắn về sách, mô tả chi tiết, giá cũ, giá mới, giá khuyến mại.
Hiển thị sách theo lĩnh vực, theo tác giả hoặc theo các nhóm (sách mới, sách nổi bật, sách bán chạy, sách giảm giá,...)
Tìm kiếm sách theo từ khóa, tìm kiếm theo tác giả, theo lĩnh vực.
Có tính năng đặt mua sách, quản lý đơn đặt hàng mua sách. Các đơn đặt hàng được lưu trong khu vực quản trị, được chuyển trực tiếp vào email cá nhân của người quản lý.
Cho phép gửi ý kiến bình luận về sách được bán trực tuyến. Bình chọn cho sách.

2. Trang hướng dẫn mua sách:

Đăng tải thông tin liên hệ (điện thoại, email, nick chat, địa chỉ,...)
Đăng tải thông tin hướng dẫn mua sách trực tuyến.
Thông báo thông tin tài khoản, các hình thức thanh toán.
Các chi phí liên quan đến vận chuyển sách, đặt mua sách với số lượng lớn.

3. Trang tin tức:

Đăng tải các tin tức có liên quan đến sách để thu hút khách hàng như: các thông tin về sách, các hoạt động về sách, kinh nghiệm đọc - mua sách, giới thiệu sách,...
Thông tin về mỗi tin bao gồm: tiêu đề tin, ngày đăng, mô tả tin, hình ảnh, nội dung chi tiết.
Cho phép người xem gửi ý kiến bình luận về tin.
Danh mục tin từ 2 - 3 cấp.

4. Trang thành viên:

Cho phép người xem đăng ký làm thành viên. Giúp kết nối khách hàng dài lâu, tiện quảng bá sách và nâng cao thương hiệu của website bán sách trực tuyến.
Tính năng chính dành cho thành viên: đăng ký tài khoản, quản trị thông tin tài khoản, quản lý danh sách các đầu sách đã lưu, danh sách các loại sách đã gửi cho bạn bè.
Hệ thống tự động lấy thông tin thành viên điền vào form đặt sách trực tuyến. Giúp thành viên mua sách nhanh chóng hơn. Quản lý các đơn đặt sách trên website bán sách trực tuyến (đã đặt hàng, đã hoàn thành, tạm ngưng, hủy).

5. Trang liên hệ:

Đăng tải các thông tin giúp khách hàng tiện liên hệ như: tên công ty, địa chỉ, điện thoại, emai,...
Cung cấp form liên hệ trực tuyến. Các thông tin liên hệ sẽ được lưu trong khu vực quản trị, được chuyển tiếp vào email cá nhân của người quản lý.
Hiển thị sơ đồ đường đi dạng Google Map (nếu cần).

6. Module hỗ trợ trực tuyến:

Hiển thị các nick Yahoo Messenger, Skype, email, điện thoại giúp khách hàng tiện liên hệ trực tuyến.
Không giới hạn số lượng nick hiển thị trên website.

7. Module tối ưu website Google:

Giúp đẩy thứ hạng của website trên Google một cách dễ dàng.
Thông tin tối ưu: tự động tối ưu link thân thiện với người sử dụng, lấy tiêu đề bài viết làm link. cho phép chỉnh sửa link bài viết bằng tay, meta description, meta content, tag từ khóa.
Cùng nhiều tính năng, module khác theo yêu cầu của khách hàng.

8. Tính năng bán hàng và tích hợp các kênh bán hàng vào website

Để phuc vụ cho việc bán hàng trở nên hiệu quả mang lại doanh số cao nhất, thì trên website bạn nên tích hợp các kênh bán hàng vệ tinh như diễn đàn, facebook, sàn thương mại điện tử như sendo.. link về website của mình hoặc hỗ trợ việc đăng sản phẩm từ web tích hợp trên các kênh phụ.

Liên hệ với chúng tôi theo địa chỉ:

Văn phòng: P1503, Tòa Nhà 5A, Lê Đức Thọ, Mai Dịch, Nam Từ Liêm, HÀ Nội, Việt Nam

Hotline: 0901 26 5885



SEO Thông minh

What is SEO Services?

Bởi SEO Thông minh - Thứ Năm, 7 tháng 1 2021, 3:50 PM

[SEO Services - dich vu seo] is a set of website optimization skills aimed at increasing the number of keywords as well as the website's keyword rankings on search engines such as Google, Coccoc, Bing, BaiDu, Edge, AOL,, Yahoo, Duckduckgo ...

How is [SEO Service] beneficial for businesses?

When businesses can choose a professional [reputable SEO service], you will enjoy some of the benefits of SEO as follows:


Cost-effectiveness: The cost that businesses invest in SEO compared to the value [SEO effectiveness] brings or the cost that businesses spend to run ads, then [SEO cost] is few. Outstanding ROI.

Credibility: Users will trust more and their ability to place orders will also be higher than running ads. Improved brand reputation among users.

[Organic Traffic]: SEO provides a volume of free, organic and reliable traffic that no other type of marketing can do. When you achieve the desired rankings, you have an increasing number of potential customers. Since then, the business understands the behavior and expectations of customers.

Competitive advantage: [Doing SEO] to get a good position from the Top 1-10 of the front page of search engines is not easy. Therefore, when the website of the Enterprise occupies these positions, your competitors will be very hard to win your position.

[Keyword SEO Services] to Top 1 Google

The popular type of [SEO service] in the market today

On the market today there are many providers of [SEO services] introducing SEO packages such as: [SEO Audit], [SEO Entity] ... SEO Clever introduces customers to 5 packages [quality SEO services ] these are: [Overall website SEO service] and [keyword SEO service for website].


[Overall SEO Services - dich vu seo tong the]

With [overall website SEO service] of customers, we will take care of from A -> Z from onpage to offpage. Helping customer's website to grow in quantity of main keywords, sub-keywords related to customers' products and services. Increase [organic traffic], increase ROI conversion rate through thousands of keywords [Rank Top Google].


[Keyword SEO Services - dich vu seo tu khoa]

[SEO service] keyword is [SEO service] based on a list of available keywords required or agreed upon by both parties. With [keyword SEO services] we just focus on improving keyword rankings [SEO]. Perform tasks such as: Determine the landing page that needs SEO, plan the content for the keywords buidlink for the keyword list to do.


[SEO Audit Service]

[SEO Audit Service] is essentially [SEO audit]: giving priority to website, consolidating all off-page activities, ensuring technical factors before implementing Offpage campaign, reporting in detail. issues affecting access, index, ranking ... Analyze - measure the power and control the reasons that interfere with the effectiveness of [website].


[SEO Traffic Service]

[SEO traffic service] helps businesses strengthen content for fledgling websites and help expand target audience through creating valuable content with customers to help customers access content. , which directly or indirectly creates transformation for your business.


[Google Maps SEO Services]

[Google Maps SEO Service] also known as [SEO Local] is a form of SEO that helps put your company (business) location on the Top 1 Google Maps.

With this [Google Maps SEO service], customers search for keywords related to your products or services on [Google Search] or [Google Maps], your business will appear.


Which type of [SEO] should businesses choose?

To determine the right type of [SEO service] for your business, you must firstly see how much it costs and time for your business to spend on SEO. Here the main mention 02 [SEO services] are [overall seo] and [seo keywords for website].


For large enterprises with enough time and money, choose [overall SEO service] because with [overall website SEO], the business receives a caring quality from A -> Z.

For businesses with little time and cost for SEO is not much, it is necessary to focus [implement SEO] on keywords related to the enterprise's products and services to be able to recover capital quickly.

China Kitchen

What is the specialty dish at China Kitchen?

Bởi China Kitchen - Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 5 2024, 10:40 AM

When it comes to exploring authentic Chinese cuisine, China Kitchen stands out as a culinary destination that brings the rich flavors and traditions of China to your table. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a loyal customer, one question inevitably comes to mind: What is the specialty dish at China Kitchen near me?

Let's dive into the distinctive specialty that has captured the hearts (and taste buds) of food enthusiasts around the world.

The Peking Duck: A Culinary Masterpiece

The specialty dish that China Kitchen is renowned for is the Peking Duck. Known for its succulent flavor and crispy skin, Peking Duck is a celebrated delicacy that has been enjoyed in China for centuries. At China Kitchen, the preparation and presentation of this dish reach new heights, offering an unparalleled gastronomic experience.

Preparation and Cooking

The journey of creating China Kitchen's Peking Duck begins long before it arrives at your table. Here’s how this culinary masterpiece is prepared:

  1. Selection of Ducks: Only specially selected ducks are used, ensuring high-quality meat with just the right amount of fat.

  2. Marination and Air-Drying:

    • The duck is marinated with a blend of spices, herbs, and sauces to infuse flavor.
    • After marination, it is air-dried for several hours to ensure that the skin becomes incredibly crispy during roasting.
  3. Roasting:

    • The duck is roasted in a specially designed wood-fired oven until the skin turns a perfect golden brown.
    • This roasting method ensures that the meat remains tender and juicy while the skin achieves the desired crispiness.

Read more: Is there a dress code required to dine at China Kitchen

Presentation and Serving

At China Kitchen, the presentation of the Peking Duck is a performance in itself. Once the duck is brought to the table, the chef expertly carves it into thin slices, separating the crispy skin from the tender meat. It is traditionally served with:

  • Mandarin Pancakes: Soft, warm pancakes that wrap the duck slices perfectly.
  • Hoisin Sauce: A sweet and savory sauce that adds depth to the flavor.
  • Spring Onions and Cucumbers: Fresh and crunchy accompaniments that enhance the taste.

How to Enjoy It

To savor the Peking Duck, follow this simple yet delicious ritual:

  1. Take a Mandarin pancake and spread a thin layer of hoisin sauce on it.
  2. Add a few slices of duck, including the crispy skin.
  3. Top it off with spring onions and cucumbers.
  4. Roll it up and enjoy!

Beyond Peking Duck

While the Peking Duck is the star of the show, China Kitchen also boasts a range of other specialties that delight diners:

  • Kung Pao Chicken: A spicy stir-fry dish with peanuts and vegetables.
  • Mapo Tofu: Soft tofu cooked in a spicy Sichuan peppercorn sauce.
  • Dim Sum: An assortment of steamed dumplings and buns that offer a variety of flavors.

Read more: Does China Kitchen have a children’s menu


If you’re craving an authentic Chinese culinary experience, a visit to China Kitchen is a must. The Peking Duck, with its rich history and exquisite preparation, embodies the very essence of Chinese cuisine. Served in an atmosphere that marries tradition with contemporary flair, this specialty dish promises an unforgettable dining experience.

Have you tried the Peking Duck at China Kitchen? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Secret Pizza

What types of pizza does Secret Pizza serve?

Bởi Secret Pizza - Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 2 2024, 11:00 AM

Secret Pizza, nestled within the bustling corridors of the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas, has garnered a cult following for its elusive presence and delectable offerings. Known for its no-signage policy, finding Secret Pizza is akin to embarking on a treasure hunt, with the reward being some of the most scrumptious slices on the Strip. But what really draws the crowds, apart from the thrill of the hunt, is the variety of pizzas they serve. Let's dive into the types of pizza you can expect to enjoy at this hidden gem.

Classic New York-Style Slices

At its core, Secret Pizza Cosmopolitan celebrates the simplicity and elegance of New York-style pizza. This means thin crusts that are both crisp and slightly chewy, adorned with a perfectly balanced layer of tomato sauce and melted mozzarella cheese. It's the kind of slice you might fold in half to eat, capturing the essence of a classic New York pizzeria.

A Variety of Toppings

Secret Pizza understands the universal appeal of customization. While it maintains a straightforward menu, the pizzeria offers a variety of toppings that cater to a wide range of preferences. From the meat lovers' delight with pepperoni, sausage, and meatballs to the vegetarian options bursting with fresh vegetables like bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, and olives, there's something for everyone.

Specialty Pizzas

For those seeking something a bit more adventurous, Secret Pizza occasionally surprises its patrons with specialty pizzas. These creations are where the chefs get to showcase their creativity, featuring combinations like the spicy buffalo chicken, the garlicky white pizza with ricotta and mozzarella, or a classic Margherita adorned with fresh basil and tomatoes. The availability of these specialty pizzas can vary, offering a new experience with each visit.

Read more: What are the operating hours of Secret Pizza?

Quality Ingredients

What sets Secret Pizza apart is not just the variety of their offerings but the quality of the ingredients used. Each pizza is crafted with care, ensuring that whether you're grabbing a quick slice or sitting down for a whole pie, you're getting a top-notch culinary experience. The tomato sauce sings with the right balance of sweetness and acidity, the cheese is always perfectly melted and stretchy, and the toppings are fresh and flavorful.

Late-Night Snack or Mid-Day Treat

Secret Pizza's operation hours cater to both the late-night crowd and those looking for a mid-day treat. This flexibility means you can satisfy your pizza cravings almost any time of day, making it a go-to spot for both locals and tourists alike.

Read more: Can I order Secret Pizza for takeout?

In conclusion, Secret Pizza serves up a delectable array of New York-style pizzas that cater to a wide range of tastes and preferences. Whether you're a purist who loves a simple cheese pizza or an adventurous eater looking for unique toppings, Secret Pizza has something to offer. Its hidden location adds an element of adventure to your dining experience, making each visit memorable. Next time you're in Vegas, join the quest to find Secret Pizza and indulge in some of the best slices the city has to offer.

Pioneer Chicken

Whole chicken in a can

Bởi Pioneer Chicken - Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 11 2023, 12:12 PM

When it comes to convenience and practicality, canned food has become a staple in many households. It's no surprise that canned food has become increasingly popular over the years, especially among busy people who don't have the luxury of time to prepare meals from scratch. And while many canned foods are readily available in the market, some people are skeptical when it comes to canned meat products - particularly whole chicken in a can.

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If you're unfamiliar with whole chicken in a can, it is exactly what it sounds like - a whole chicken cooked and canned with the bones still intact. Whole chicken in a can has been around for a long time, and it's a staple in some regions of the world. But here in the United States, it's not as well-known.

One company that produces whole chicken in a can is Pioneer Chicken. Yes, the same Pioneer Chicken that is known for its delicious fried chicken. But unlike Pioneer Chicken's fried chicken, their whole chicken in a can is not intended to be consumed right out of the can. In fact, the can itself advises against consuming the chicken straight from the container.

Read more: How long chicken on grill

So how does one prepare whole chicken in a can? Well, the canning process involves cooking the chicken in its own juices, so the chicken can be eaten straight from the can, but it's not recommended. However, if you prefer your chicken warm, you can simply open the can, remove the chicken, and heat it up in the oven. Some people even choose to season it with their favorite herbs and spices before heating it up.

One thing to keep in mind is that canned chicken has a different texture than fresh chicken. The meat can be a bit stringy and tough, but it's still edible. And while some people may not appreciate the texture, others find that canned chicken is a versatile ingredient that can be used in many dishes.

Read more: Whole chicken in oven

Whole chicken in a can is a great option to have on hand for emergencies or times when you don't have access to fresh meat. It has a long shelf life, so you can keep it in your pantry for months and have it available whenever you need it. The convenience factor alone makes whole chicken in a can worth considering.

In conclusion, while whole chicken in a can may not be for everyone, it's a viable option for those who need a quick and easy source of protein. Pioneer Chicken's whole chicken in a can is a quality product that has been around for a long time, and it's worth trying out if you're curious. So the next time you're browsing the canned food aisle at your local grocery store, give whole chicken in a can a second look - you might just be surprised at how useful it can be.