Moodle in English

Posts made in Moodle in English

Moodle in English -> Lounge iVocalize Whiteboard Vs System Memory Resources -> Re: iVocalize Whiteboard Vs System Memory Resources

Marcelo Rezende -


Let's make a test: in Windows Xp open Windows Task Manager ( Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and In Processes find iVocalise Whiteboard process , start working normally and tell me what happen with CPU and Mem Usage

If possible give me a table with these dates (Cross Time ,like below )

                        CPU               Mem Usage

1 minute         |______|        |__________| 

2 minute         |______|        |__________| 

And so on…..


Moodle in English -> Mathematics tools TalkAndWrite A Freeware Skype whiteboard -> Re: TalkAndWrite A Freeware Skype whiteboard

Marcelo Rezende -

Hi Manish

Thanks for testing our software and for your suggestions.

To download TalkAndWrite is necessary go through two pages. In the fist one you got the minimal requirement ( Skype +W 2000 or XP ….) and in the second page , you leave your email+name ( if you want). For some reason you got straight into second page. We will fix it.

Yes, the actual version it is one to one interaction and we are working in group collaboration tools.

The last question I answered it in

Thanks again
