Moodle in English

Discussions started in Moodle in English

Moodle in English -> Testing and QA How can I export the entire test list

by Jerry Lau -

I tried to export it as CSV but the formatting does not render properly and the Word only shows part of the description (not fully list).

I want to go through the same test cases when we do an upgrade annually.


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Moodle in English -> Installing and upgrading help path to ghostscript and unoconv not working though they are there

by Jerry Lau -

So I had to reinstall libreoffice via rpm on our Moodle 3.2.x test platform and not it says that the ghostscript and unoconv path is not there though they are!

Php 7.1.8 ... redhat 7.5 enterprise 64-bit

My ghostscript path is: /bin/ghostscript and unoconv is in /usr/bin/unoconv. They are there but when I put them in the System Path, they said they not valid. Was working before and we have an upgrade next Monday ... sad

I followed this to the tee

Only diff is that I downloaded and installed the libreoffice version (6.1.3.x)  through their site and not through redhat's package (which is quite old) at 5.2.

Here is my "/etc/systemd/system/unoconv.service"

Description=Unoconv listener for document conversions

ExecStart=/usr/bin/unoconv --listener


see attached 2 images

unoconv 1 error image

unoconv 2 settings

What did I do wrong?

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Moodle in English -> General help query to see all user enrolments if courseid number field is not blank

by Jerry Lau -

Hello folks... running Moodle 3.4.x on MySQL 5.7

I can't remember the query to show all users in the last year (12 months) that have enrolled in a course with the courseid field not blank.. I think I have to use the enrol, user_enrolment and what other tables?

Could anyone help?


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Moodle in English -> General help submit quiz attempts not manually submitted by student.

by Jerry Lau -

We are running 3.4.6+ soon to the latest 3.6.x on RHEL 7.5 64-BIT with php 7.1.8 and MySQL 5.7.24

A user reported that there used to be a task that would submit any quiz attempts that were not manually submitted by the student.

We don’t see that on the Scheduled Tasks list and we were wondering where we can tell if it’s happening and how.

We have one student who’s quiz attempt is not being submitted.

We cannot get this student’s exam submitted, so the instructor cannot enter a grade.

Where do we start to troubleshoot this and to fix it?


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Moodle in English -> General help Finding the offending module - task_adhoc failed (course module xxx could not be deleted)

by Jerry Lau -

So we have these adhoc tasks failing because one of users saw that their activity deletion is stuck "Activity deletion in progress" for some time

I then saw the table and log file and I am sure this is culprit..

How can I fix these entries and narrow down the module?  I know the plugin is ALLY but how do I go about fixing this?

Adhoc task failed: core_course\task\course_delete_modules,Coding error detected, it must be fixed by a programmer: The course module 791661 could not be deleted. #0 /our/moodle//lib/modinfolib.php(2232): course_modinfo->get_cm(791661)
#1 /our/moodle//admin/tool/ally/lib.php(89): get_course_and_cm_from_cmid('791661', NULL, '6181')
#2 /our/moodle//course/lib.php(1185): tool_ally_pre_course_module_delete(Object(stdClass))
#3 /our/moodle//course/classes/task/course_delete_modules.php(66): course_delete_module('791661')
#4 /our/moodle//lib/cronlib.php(185): core_course\task\course_delete_modules->execute()
#5 /our/moodle//lib/cronlib.php(74): cron_run_inner_adhoc_task(Object(core_course\task\course_delete_modules))
#6 /our/moodle//admin/cli/cron.php(61): cron_run()

our task_adhoc table

| id   | component | from_unixtime(nextruntime) | faildelay | customdata                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
| 1665 |           | 2019-04-24 01:37:03        |     86400 | {"cms":{"794211":{"id":"794211"},"794212":{"id":"794212"},"794213":{"id":"794213"},"794214":{"id":"794214"}},"userid":"138658","realuserid":"138658"}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
| 1799 |           | 2019-04-24 10:26:02        |     86400 | {"cms":{"791660":{"id":"791660"},"791661":{"id":"791661"},"791662":{"id":"791662"},"791663":{"id":"791663"}},"userid":"138658","realuserid":"138658"}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
| 1841 |           | 2019-04-23 22:01:02        |     86400 | {"cms":{"799332":{"id":"799332"},"799333":{"id":"799333"},"799334":{"id":"799334"},"799335":{"id":"799335"},"799336":{"id":"799336"},"799337":{"id":"799337"},"799338":{"id":"799338"},"799339":{"id":"799339"},"799340":{"id":"799340"},"799341":{"id":"799341"},"799342":{"id":"799342"},"799343":{"id":"799343"},"799344":{"id":"799344"},"799345":{"id":"799345"},"799346":{"id":"799346"},"799347":{"id":"799347"},"799348":{"id":"799348"},"799349":{"id":"799349"},"799350":{"id":"799350"},"799351":{"id":"799351"},"799352":{"id":"799352"},"799353":{"id":"799353"},"799354":{"id":"799354"},"799355":{"id":"799355"},"799356":{"id":"799356"},"799357":{"id":"799357"},"799358":{"id":"799358"},"799359":{"id":"799359"},"799360":{"id":"799360"},"799361":{"id":"799361"},"799362":{"id":"799362"}},"userid":"11847","realuserid":"11847"} |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Suggestions always welcome smile

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