10 Useful Things a Teacher Can do with Roles?

Re: 10 Useful Things a Teacher Can do with Roles?

by Lael ... -
Number of replies: 0

Hi, this is an old thread, so I am hoping this might get noticed.  Martin, you mentioned assigning parents in the course without posting rights - I assume this is the view:course capability only... which is a great idea so parents can see information they need to help their children.

How did you actually do it? Was it a manual assignation for each parent or did you do some sort of mass update? If you used a script or similar - any chance you would be willing to share?

I am working on the same problem now, and would prefer to avoid doing the many role assignments manually.

The other thing is - it seems like this ability - to view another person's course... is fairly commonly desired - any chance of adding in a user:viewcourses capability to moodle?