admin/index.php not displaying

admin/index.php not displaying

by Tony Sobottka -
Number of replies: 15

there is nothing the error log.  It logs me in but the index.php will not display.  I can manually go to the other parts of the admin and change settings but index.php will not display.  This is happening with the teachers as well.  Student accounts are just fine no problems there. After logging in as admin i can look and edit my classes, so it just looks like the index.php wont work.  I have turned on debug but i get no output at what the problem could be.

The page cannot be displayed

The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.

Cannot find server or DNS Error
Internet Explorer

Is all i get.  I tried it with mozilla as well and all i get is a black page with it.

If there is any info you want me to post please let me know


Tony S

Average of ratings: -
In reply to Tony Sobottka

Re: admin/index.php not displaying

by Zbigniew Fiedorowicz -
First thing to check: maybe the admin/index.php file got somehow corrupted. Try replacing it with a fresh copy.

If that doesn't work, you need to put a bunch of statements of the form
(after the line  require_once("../config.php")):

error("Step 1");
error("Step 2");

etc. in the admin/index.php file. You should then get an error page with one of these messages. Note which of these messages it is, then comment out that line by putting two slashes in front of it, e.g.
//error("Step 1");
Now keep repeating this until you get a blank page instead. Then come back and tell us where the last error() which displayed a message was, and where the next one which didn't display was.
In reply to Zbigniew Fiedorowicz

Re: admin/index.php not displaying

by Tony Sobottka -

Tried both,  the steps when all the way through to the end the last one being just before the ?> in the end.  Once the last one was removed it went back to not displaying. It seems to be going through the index.php but what is happening next i dont know.

any other suggestions?



In reply to Tony Sobottka

Re: admin/index.php not displaying

by Zbigniew Fiedorowicz -
That's pretty weird. I notice that there are two blank lines at the end of admin/index.php which shouldn't be there. Try removing them.

Also, can you show us the last 10 lines or so of your admin/index.php file, up to the final ?>

Another idea: try making a copy of admin/index.php named admin/index2.php.  Then try accessing the page http://yoursite/admin/index2.php (This would be testing for some weird malfunction in your web server.)

In reply to Zbigniew Fiedorowicz

Re: admin/index.php not displaying

by Tony Sobottka -

I seen that to when i was looking at the file so i removed them but it still didn't work.

here are the last lines on the index.php should be the same as everyone elses i haven't changed anything.

/// At this point everything is set up and the user is an admin, so print menu

$stradministration = get_string("administration");

print_header("$site->shortname: $stradministration","$site->fullname", "$stradministration");

print_simple_box_start("center", "100%", "$THEME->cellcontent2", 20);


if (!empty($CFG->upgrade)) { // Print notice about extra upgrading that needs to be done

print_simple_box(get_string("upgrade$CFG->upgrade", "admin",

"$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/upgrade$CFG->upgrade.php"), "center");



$table->tablealign = "right";

$table->align = array ("right", "left");

$table->wrap = array ("nowrap", "nowrap");

$table->cellpadding = 4;

$table->cellspacing = 3;

$table->width = "40%";

$configdata = "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"config.php\">".get_string("configvariables")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpconfigvariables")."</font><br />";

$configdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"site.php\">".get_string("sitesettings")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpsitesettings")."</font><br />";

$configdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"../theme/index.php\">".get_string("themes")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpthemes")."</font><br />";

$configdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"lang.php\">".get_string("language")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelplanguage")."</font><br />";

$configdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"modules.php\">".get_string("managemodules")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpmanagemodules")."</font><br />";

$configdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"blocks.php\">".get_string("manageblocks")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpmanageblocks")."</font><br />";

$configdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"filters.php\">".get_string("managefilters")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpmanagefilters")."</font><br />";

if (!isset($CFG->disablescheduledbackups)) {

$configdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"backup.php\">".get_string("backup")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpbackup")."</font><br />";


$table->data[] = array("<font size=+1><b><a href=\"configure.php\">".get_string("configuration")."</a></b>",



$userdata = "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"auth.php\">".get_string("authentication")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpauthentication")."</font><br />";

if (is_internal_auth()) {

$userdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/user.php?newuser=true\">".

get_string("addnewuser")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpaddnewuser")."</font><br />";

$userdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/uploaduser.php\">".

get_string("uploadusers")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpuploadusers")."</font><br />";


$userdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"user.php\">".get_string("edituser")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpedituser")."</font><br />";

$userdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"admin.php\">".get_string("assignadmins")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpassignadmins")."</font><br />";

$userdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"creators.php\">".get_string("assigncreators")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpassigncreators")."</font><br />";

$userdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"../course/index.php?edit=on\">".get_string("assignteachers")."</a> - <font size=1>".


" <img src=\"../pix/t/user.gif\" height=11 width=11></font><br />";

$userdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"../course/index.php?edit=off\">".get_string("assignstudents")."</a> - <font size=1>".


$table->data[] = array("<font size=+1><b><a href=\"users.php\">".get_string("users")."</a></b>", $userdata);

$table->data[] = array("<font size=+1><b><a href=\"../course/index.php?edit=on\">".get_string("courses")."</a></b>",

"<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font>".get_string("adminhelpcourses"));

$table->data[] = array("<font size=+1><b><a href=\"../course/log.php?id=$site->id\">".get_string("logs")."</a></b>",

"<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font>".get_string("adminhelplogs"));

$table->data[] = array("<font size=+1><b><a href=\"../files/index.php?id=$site->id\">".get_string("sitefiles")."</a></b>",

"<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font>".get_string("adminhelpsitefiles"));

if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/$CFG->admin/$CFG->dbtype")) {

$table->data[] = array("<font size=+1><b><a href=\"$CFG->dbtype/frame.php\">".get_string("managedatabase")."</a></b>",

"<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font>".get_string("adminhelpmanagedatabase"));





$copyrighttext = "<a href=\"\">Moodle</a> ".

"<a href=\"../doc/?frame=release.html\">$CFG->release</a> ($CFG->version)<br />".

"Copyright &copy; 1999-2004 Martin Dougiamas<br />".

"<a href=\"../doc/?frame=licence.html\">GNU Public License</a>";

echo "<center><p><font size=1>$copyrighttext</font></p></center>";



echo "<table border=0 align=center width=100%><tr>";

echo "<td align=center width=33%>";

print_single_button("$CFG->wwwroot/doc", NULL, get_string("documentation"));

echo "</td>";

echo "<td align=center width=33%>";

print_single_button("phpinfo.php", NULL, get_string("phpinfo"));

echo "</td>";

echo "<td align=center width=33%>";

print_single_button("register.php", NULL, get_string("registration"));

echo "</td>";

echo "<tr></table>";




thanks for the help.


In reply to Tony Sobottka

Re: admin/index.php not displaying

by Zbigniew Fiedorowicz -
Do I understand correctly that putting
in any of the spots labelled (1), (2), (3), (4)

echo "<tr></table>";

will produce an error page with that message?

What happens if you put some html after the ?> line, like

Also check your web server error logs, looking for error messages associated to admin/index.php
In reply to Zbigniew Fiedorowicz

Re: admin/index.php not displaying

by Tony Sobottka -

yeah here is my hole index.php with the error markers.


<?PHP // $Id: index.php,v 1.103 2004/05/18 14:12:21 moodler Exp $

/// Check that config.php exists

if (!file_exists("../config.php")) {

echo "<H2 align=center>You need to create a config.php.<BR>

See the <A HREF=\"\">installation instructions</A>.</H2>";




//error(step 1);

/// Check that PHP is of a sufficient version

if (!check_php_version("4.1.0")) {

$version = phpversion();

print_heading("Sorry, Moodle requires PHP 4.1.0 or later (currently using version $version)");



//error(step 2);

/// Check some PHP server settings

$documentationlink = "please read the <A HREF=\"../doc/?frame=install.html&sub=webserver\">install documentation</A>";

if (ini_get_bool('session.auto_start')) {

error("The PHP server variable 'session.auto_start' should be Off - $documentationlink");


if (ini_get_bool('magic_quotes_runtime')) {

error("The PHP server variable 'magic_quotes_runtime' should be Off - $documentationlink");


if (!ini_get_bool('file_uploads')) {

error("The PHP server variable 'file_uploads' is not turned On - $documentationlink");


//error(step 3);

/// Check that config.php has been edited

if ($CFG->wwwroot == "") {

error("Moodle has not been configured yet. You need to to edit config.php first.");


//error(step 4);

/// Check settings in config.php

$dirroot = dirname(realpath("../index.php"));

if (!empty($dirroot) and $dirroot != $CFG->dirroot) {

error("Please fix your settings in config.php:

<P>You have:

<P>\$CFG->dirroot = \"".addslashes($CFG->dirroot)."\";

<P>but it should be:

<P>\$CFG->dirroot = \"".addslashes($dirroot)."\";",



//error(step 5);

/// Set some necessary variables during set-up to avoid PHP warnings later on this page

if (!isset($CFG->framename)) {

$CFG->framename = "_top";


if (!isset($CFG->release)) {

$CFG->release = "";


if (!isset($CFG->version)) {

$CFG->version = "";


//error(step 6);

/// Turn off time limits, sometimes upgrades can be slow.


//error(step 7);

/// Check if the main tables have been installed yet or not.

if (! $tables = $db->Metatables() ) { // No tables yet at all.

$maintables = false;

} else { // Check for missing main tables

$maintables = true;

$mtables = array("config", "course", "course_categories", "course_modules",

"course_sections", "log", "log_display", "modules",

"user", "user_admins", "user_students", "user_teachers");

foreach ($mtables as $mtable) {

if (!in_array($CFG->prefix.$mtable, $tables)) {

$maintables = false;





if (! $maintables) {

if (empty($agreelicence)) {

$strlicense = get_string("license");

print_header($strlicense, $strlicense, $strlicense, "", "", false, "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;");

print_heading("<A HREF=\"\">Moodle</A> - Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment");



echo text_to_html(get_string("gpl"));


echo "<br />";

notice_yesno(get_string("doyouagree"), "index.php?agreelicence=true",




$strdatabasesetup = get_string("databasesetup");

$strdatabasesuccess = get_string("databasesuccess");

print_header($strdatabasesetup, $strdatabasesetup, $strdatabasesetup, "", "", false, "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;");

if (file_exists("$CFG->libdir/db/$CFG->dbtype.sql")) {

$db->debug = true;

if (modify_database("$CFG->libdir/db/$CFG->dbtype.sql")) {

$db->debug = false;

notify($strdatabasesuccess, "green");

} else {

$db->debug = false;

error("Error: Main databases NOT set up successfully");


} else {

error("Error: Your database ($CFG->dbtype) is not yet fully supported by Moodle. See the lib/db directory.");





//error(step 8);

/// Check version of Moodle code on disk compared with database

/// and upgrade if possible.

include_once("$CFG->dirroot/version.php"); # defines $version

include_once("$CFG->dirroot/lib/db/$CFG->dbtype.php"); # defines upgrades

if ($CFG->version) {

if ($version > $CFG->version) { // upgrade

$a->oldversion = $CFG->version;

$a->newversion = $version;

$strdatabasechecking = get_string("databasechecking", "", $a);

$strdatabasesuccess = get_string("databasesuccess");

print_header($strdatabasechecking, $strdatabasechecking, $strdatabasechecking,

"", "", false, "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;");



if (main_upgrade($CFG->version)) {


if (set_config("version", $version)) {

notify($strdatabasesuccess, "green");



} else {

notify("Upgrade failed! (Could not update version in config table)");


} else {


notify("Upgrade failed! See /version.php");


} else if ($version < $CFG->version) {

notify("WARNING!!! The code you are using is OLDER than the version that made these databases!");


} else {

$strcurrentversion = get_string("currentversion");

print_header($strcurrentversion, $strcurrentversion, $strcurrentversion,

"", "", false, "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;");

if (set_config("version", $version)) {

print_heading("You are currently using Moodle version $version (Release $release)");



} else {


if (main_upgrade(0)) {


} else {

error("A problem occurred inserting current version into databases");





//error(step 9);

/// Updated human-readable release version if necessary

if ($release <> $CFG->release) { // Update the release version

$strcurrentrelease = get_string("currentrelease");

print_header($strcurrentrelease, $strcurrentrelease, $strcurrentrelease, "", "", false, "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;");

print_heading("Moodle $release");

if (!set_config("release", $release)) {

notify("ERROR: Could not update release version in database!!");









//error(step 10);

/// Upgrade backup/restore system if necessary


upgrade_backup_db("$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/index.php"); // Return here afterwards

//error(step 11);

/// Upgrade blocks system if necessary


upgrade_blocks_db("$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/index.php"); // Return here afterwards

//error(step 12);

/// Check all blocks and load (or upgrade them if necessary)

upgrade_blocks_plugins("$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/index.php"); // Return here afterwards

//error(step 13);

/// Find and check all modules and load them up or upgrade them if necessary

if (!$mods = get_list_of_plugins("mod") ) {

error("No modules installed!");


foreach ($mods as $mod) {

if ($mod == "NEWMODULE") { // Someone has unzipped the template, ignore it



$fullmod = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/$mod";


if ( is_readable("$fullmod/version.php")) {

include_once("$fullmod/version.php"); # defines $module with version etc

} else {

notify("Module $mod: $fullmod/version.php was not readable");



if ( is_readable("$fullmod/db/$CFG->dbtype.php")) {

include_once("$fullmod/db/$CFG->dbtype.php"); # defines upgrading function

} else {

notify("Module $mod: $fullmod/db/$CFG->dbtype.php was not readable");



if (!isset($module)) {



if (!empty($module->requires)) {

if ($module->requires > $CFG->version) {

$info->modulename = $mod;

$info->moduleversion = $module->version;

$info->currentmoodle = $CFG->version;

$info->requiremoodle = $module->requires;

notify(get_string('modulerequirementsnotmet', 'error', $info));





$module->name = $mod; // The name MUST match the directory

if ($currmodule = get_record("modules", "name", $module->name)) {

if ($currmodule->version == $module->version) {

// do nothing

} else if ($currmodule->version < $module->version) {

if (empty($updated_modules)) {

$strmodulesetup = get_string("modulesetup");

print_header($strmodulesetup, $strmodulesetup, $strmodulesetup, "", "", false, "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;");


print_heading("$module->name module needs upgrading");

$upgrade_function = $module->name."_upgrade";

if (function_exists($upgrade_function)) {


if ($upgrade_function($currmodule->version, $module)) {


// OK so far, now update the modules record

$module->id = $currmodule->id;

if (! update_record("modules", $module)) {

error("Could not update $module->name record in modules table!");


notify(get_string("modulesuccess", "", $module->name), "green");

echo "<HR>";

} else {


notify("Upgrading $module->name from $currmodule->version to $module->version FAILED!");



$updated_modules = true;

} else {

error("Version mismatch: $module->name can't downgrade $currmodule->version -> $module->version !");


} else { // module not installed yet, so install it

if (empty($updated_modules)) {

$strmodulesetup = get_string("modulesetup");

print_header($strmodulesetup, $strmodulesetup, $strmodulesetup, "", "", false, "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;");



$updated_modules = true;

$db->debug = true;

@set_time_limit(0); // To allow slow databases to complete the long SQL

if (modify_database("$fullmod/db/$CFG->dbtype.sql")) {

$db->debug = false;

if ($module->id = insert_record("modules", $module)) {

notify(get_string("modulesuccess", "", $module->name), "green");

echo "<HR>";

} else {

error("$module->name module could not be added to the module list!");


} else {

error("$module->name tables could NOT be set up successfully!");




if (!empty($updated_modules)) {




//error(step 14);

/// Insert default values for any important configuration variables


foreach ($defaults as $name => $value) {

if (!isset($CFG->$name)) {

$CFG->$name = $value;

set_config($name, $value);

$configchange = true;



//error(step 15);

/// If any new configurations were found then send to the config page to check

if (!empty($configchange)) {



//error(step 16);

/// Set up the overall site name etc.

if (! $site = get_site()) {



//error(step 17);

/// Set up the admin user

if (! record_exists("user_admins")) { // No admin user yet



//error(step 18);

/// Check for valid admin user


if (!isadmin()) {

error("You need to be an admin user to use this page.", "$CFG->wwwroot/login/index.php");


//error(step 19);

/// At this point everything is set up and the user is an admin, so print menu

$stradministration = get_string("administration");

print_header("$site->shortname: $stradministration","$site->fullname", "$stradministration");

print_simple_box_start("center", "100%", "$THEME->cellcontent2", 20);


if (!empty($CFG->upgrade)) { // Print notice about extra upgrading that needs to be done

print_simple_box(get_string("upgrade$CFG->upgrade", "admin",

"$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/upgrade$CFG->upgrade.php"), "center");



$table->tablealign = "right";

$table->align = array ("right", "left");

$table->wrap = array ("nowrap", "nowrap");

$table->cellpadding = 4;

$table->cellspacing = 3;

$table->width = "40%";

$configdata = "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"config.php\">".get_string("configvariables")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpconfigvariables")."</font><br />";

$configdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"site.php\">".get_string("sitesettings")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpsitesettings")."</font><br />";

$configdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"../theme/index.php\">".get_string("themes")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpthemes")."</font><br />";

$configdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"lang.php\">".get_string("language")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelplanguage")."</font><br />";

$configdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"modules.php\">".get_string("managemodules")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpmanagemodules")."</font><br />";

$configdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"blocks.php\">".get_string("manageblocks")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpmanageblocks")."</font><br />";

$configdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"filters.php\">".get_string("managefilters")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpmanagefilters")."</font><br />";

if (!isset($CFG->disablescheduledbackups)) {

$configdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"backup.php\">".get_string("backup")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpbackup")."</font><br />";


$table->data[] = array("<font size=+1><b><a href=\"configure.php\">".get_string("configuration")."</a></b>",



$userdata = "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"auth.php\">".get_string("authentication")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpauthentication")."</font><br />";

if (is_internal_auth()) {

$userdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/user.php?newuser=true\">".

get_string("addnewuser")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpaddnewuser")."</font><br />";

$userdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/uploaduser.php\">".

get_string("uploadusers")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpuploadusers")."</font><br />";


$userdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"user.php\">".get_string("edituser")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpedituser")."</font><br />";

$userdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"admin.php\">".get_string("assignadmins")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpassignadmins")."</font><br />";

$userdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"creators.php\">".get_string("assigncreators")."</a> - <font size=1>".

get_string("adminhelpassigncreators")."</font><br />";

$userdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"../course/index.php?edit=on\">".get_string("assignteachers")."</a> - <font size=1>".


" <img src=\"../pix/t/user.gif\" height=11 width=11></font><br />";

$userdata .= "<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font><a href=\"../course/index.php?edit=off\">".get_string("assignstudents")."</a> - <font size=1>".


$table->data[] = array("<font size=+1><b><a href=\"users.php\">".get_string("users")."</a></b>", $userdata);

$table->data[] = array("<font size=+1><b><a href=\"../course/index.php?edit=on\">".get_string("courses")."</a></b>",

"<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font>".get_string("adminhelpcourses"));

$table->data[] = array("<font size=+1><b><a href=\"../course/log.php?id=$site->id\">".get_string("logs")."</a></b>",

"<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font>".get_string("adminhelplogs"));

$table->data[] = array("<font size=+1><b><a href=\"../files/index.php?id=$site->id\">".get_string("sitefiles")."</a></b>",

"<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font>".get_string("adminhelpsitefiles"));

if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/$CFG->admin/$CFG->dbtype")) {

$table->data[] = array("<font size=+1><b><a href=\"$CFG->dbtype/frame.php\">".get_string("managedatabase")."</a></b>",

"<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font>".get_string("adminhelpmanagedatabase"));





$copyrighttext = "<a href=\"\">Moodle</a> ".

"<a href=\"../doc/?frame=release.html\">$CFG->release</a> ($CFG->version)<br />".

"Copyright &copy; 1999-2004 Martin Dougiamas<br />".

"<a href=\"../doc/?frame=licence.html\">GNU Public License</a>";

echo "<center><p><font size=1>$copyrighttext</font></p></center>";



echo "<table border=0 align=center width=100%><tr>";

echo "<td align=center width=33%>";

print_single_button("$CFG->wwwroot/doc", NULL, get_string("documentation"));

echo "</td>";

echo "<td align=center width=33%>";

print_single_button("phpinfo.php", NULL, get_string("phpinfo"));

echo "</td>";

echo "<td align=center width=33%>";

print_single_button("register.php", NULL, get_string("registration"));

echo "</td>";

echo "<tr></table>";



//error(step 20);


also i made a test.php at

Its like its not even there if i manually type in the config or admin or the other files it works fine just the stinking index.php file permitions are set to 777 so it should run.

I'm lost



In reply to Zbigniew Fiedorowicz

Re: admin/index.php not displaying

by Tony Sobottka -

I tested the html thing and nothing, didn't do anything to tell you the truth. its like the thing isn't even there or its trying to look in the wrong place for the info but i have checked the config file and it all good.

My heads going to explode

Thanks for you help


In reply to Tony Sobottka

Re: admin/index.php not displaying

by Tony Sobottka -

Could it have something with the database maybe i missed somthing in the install process. 

anyway i thank you for your continued help



In reply to Tony Sobottka

Re: admin/index.php not displaying

by Zbigniew Fiedorowicz -
If it processes down to the last few lines of the file, then it means it has gotten past checking that the database is up-to-date for the current version of Moodle without encountering any problems.
In reply to Zbigniew Fiedorowicz

Re: admin/index.php not displaying

by Tony Sobottka -

Yes i did try the index2 and same issue with that one as well.  Odd thing is there is nothing in the error log to point me in a direction of the problem.  This is very odd and dont understand why it would do that.

Thanks for you help


In reply to Tony Sobottka

Re: admin/index.php not displaying

by Zbigniew Fiedorowicz -
I would suggest editting index2.php by removing all the lines between error("step 1") and error("step 18") in your post above, and trying to access index2.php after the edit.

If you can access it, then I would start putting back stuff that you removed until the problem reappears.

If you can't access it, then I would remove more stuff and try again.

When adding/removing code, be careful to keep code blocks (delimited by braces) intact.

Also you should look at the page source of the web pages that are sent back to your browser -- in case the pages aren't really blank, only displayed as blank by your browser.

Hopefully you will be able to narrow the problem down to a particular section of the code, giving a clue as to what is going wrong.
In reply to Zbigniew Fiedorowicz

Re: admin/index.php not displaying

by Tony Sobottka -

I tried a couple things this morning.  One was to recopy all the files over to a new directory, accually I went all the way to the gz file and started from there.  same problem  went through all the directorys and changed permissions.  same problem.

I also set it up in a different directory new data base the works.  worked no problems at all. 

so, now what? my guess is there is somthing not quite right in one of my databases. but which one?

Is it posible to take the info from the old databases and move it into a new one? Merge them kinda.



In reply to Tony Sobottka

Re: admin/index.php not displaying

by Zbigniew Fiedorowicz -
You could try repairing your db tables.  See the following post:
In reply to Zbigniew Fiedorowicz

Re: admin/index.php not displaying

by Tony Sobottka -

ok I got it, but it wasn't easy.  I started with a new database, let it install and go throught all the set-up.  then i exported the data from the old database and inported it into the new. all is well

Thanks for all your help
