Non-profit looking for Freelance developer

Non-profit looking for Freelance developer

- Ivan Labombarbe の投稿
返信数: 2

I represent a small non-profit corporation which is trying to deliver a specialized course online.  We have contacted some of the partners and the rates are beyond our desired budget.  We have developed our requirements and have a functioning Moodle server.  There are just some of the course delivery we need to be customized or see if a module is available for it.  A freelance programmer would probably work for us.  We would also be seeking some knowledge transfer so we can maintain what is written for us. 

If you know if this should be posted in another area let me know.  If you are interested then let me know.  I can communicate what we a specifically looking for.

Ivan Labombarbe

Ivan Labombarbe への返信

Re: Non-profit looking for Freelance developer

- José Luis Granda の投稿
Hi Ivan, I'm interested in collaborate with us.
I have some year working into moodle. I work for a university in Ecuador in education virtualization process, and have a Web Site where sharing a moodle with the comunity,

PD: sorry my english isn't good.