probleem tijdens Moddle installatie

probleem tijdens Moddle installatie

door André van der Beek -
Aantal antwoorden: 7

tijdens het installeren van moodle 1.8 (config.php met succes gemaakt) loopt de installatie vast bij het onderdeel 'setting up module tables' ; het script meldt '14 warnings' en als ik dan onderaan de pagina op de knop continue druk krijg ik de melding: 'A server error that affects your login session was detected. Please login again or restart your browser.'

de warnings zien er als volgt uit:

Setting up module tables  
This script generated 14 warnings - Scroll to the first warning


(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, course BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', reference VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', summary TEXT NOT NULL, version VARCHAR(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', maxgrade DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, grademethod TINYINT(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, maxattempt BIGINT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, updatefreq TINYINT(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, md5hash VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', launch BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, skipview TINYINT(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, hidebrowse TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, hidetoc TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, hidenav TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, auto TINYINT(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, popup TINYINT(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, options VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', width BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, height BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 600, timemodified BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  
1050: Table 'mdl_scorm' already exists

            adodb_mysql._execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    course BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
..., false) % line  889, file:
         adodb_mysql.execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    course BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
      execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    course BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
..., true) % line 1899, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql_arr(Array[24]) % line  548, file: ddllib.php
install_from_xmldb_file(/mnt/web4/22/84/51547584/htdocs/moodle/mod/scorm/db/install.xml) % line  328, file: adminlib.php
ErrorScroll to next warning

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_scorm COMMENT='each table is one SCORM module and its configuration'  


(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_scoes ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, scorm BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, manifest VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', organization VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', parent VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', identifier VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', launch VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', scormtype VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  
1050: Table 'mdl_scorm_scoes' already exists

            adodb_mysql._execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_scoes (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scorm BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAUL..., false) % line  889, file:
         adodb_mysql.execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_scoes (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scorm BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAUL...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
      execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_scoes (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scorm BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAUL..., true) % line 1899, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql_arr(Array[24]) % line  548, file: ddllib.php
install_from_xmldb_file(/mnt/web4/22/84/51547584/htdocs/moodle/mod/scorm/db/install.xml) % line  328, file: adminlib.php
Scroll to previous warningErrorScroll to next warning

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_scorm_scoes COMMENT='each SCO part of the SCORM module'  


(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_scoes_data ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', value TEXT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  
1050: Table 'mdl_scorm_scoes_data' already exists

            adodb_mysql._execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_scoes_data (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL D..., false) % line  889, file:
         adodb_mysql.execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_scoes_data (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL D...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
      execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_scoes_data (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL D..., true) % line 1899, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql_arr(Array[24]) % line  548, file: ddllib.php
install_from_xmldb_file(/mnt/web4/22/84/51547584/htdocs/moodle/mod/scorm/db/install.xml) % line  328, file: adminlib.php
Scroll to previous warningErrorScroll to next warning

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_scorm_scoes_data COMMENT='Contains variable data get from packages'  


(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_scoes_track ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, userid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, scormid BIGINT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, attempt BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, element VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', value LONGTEXT NOT NULL, timemodified BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  
1050: Table 'mdl_scorm_scoes_track' already exists

            adodb_mysql._execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_scoes_track (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    userid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL..., false) % line  889, file:
         adodb_mysql.execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_scoes_track (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    userid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
      execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_scoes_track (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    userid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL..., true) % line 1899, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql_arr(Array[24]) % line  548, file: ddllib.php
install_from_xmldb_file(/mnt/web4/22/84/51547584/htdocs/moodle/mod/scorm/db/install.xml) % line  328, file: adminlib.php
Scroll to previous warningErrorScroll to next warning

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_scorm_scoes_track COMMENT='to track SCOes'  


(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_objective ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, primaryobj TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, objectiveid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, satisfiedbymeasure TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, minnormalizedmeasure FLOAT(11,4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0000, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  
1050: Table 'mdl_scorm_seq_objective' already exists

            adodb_mysql._execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_objective (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NUL..., false) % line  889, file:
         adodb_mysql.execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_objective (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NUL...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
      execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_objective (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NUL..., true) % line 1899, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql_arr(Array[24]) % line  548, file: ddllib.php
install_from_xmldb_file(/mnt/web4/22/84/51547584/htdocs/moodle/mod/scorm/db/install.xml) % line  328, file: adminlib.php
Scroll to previous warningErrorScroll to next warning

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_objective COMMENT='SCORM2004 objective description'  


(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_mapinfo ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, objectiveid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, targetobjectiveid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, readsatisfiedstatus TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, readnormalizedmeasure TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, writesatisfiedstatus TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, writenormalizedmeasure TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  
1050: Table 'mdl_scorm_seq_mapinfo' already exists

            adodb_mysql._execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_mapinfo (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL ..., false) % line  889, file:
         adodb_mysql.execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_mapinfo (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
      execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_mapinfo (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL ..., true) % line 1899, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql_arr(Array[24]) % line  548, file: ddllib.php
install_from_xmldb_file(/mnt/web4/22/84/51547584/htdocs/moodle/mod/scorm/db/install.xml) % line  328, file: adminlib.php
Scroll to previous warningErrorScroll to next warning

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_mapinfo COMMENT='SCORM2004 objective mapinfo description'  


(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_ruleconds ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, conditioncombination VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'all', ruletype TINYINT(2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, action VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  
1050: Table 'mdl_scorm_seq_ruleconds' already exists

            adodb_mysql._execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_ruleconds (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NUL..., false) % line  889, file:
         adodb_mysql.execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_ruleconds (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NUL...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
      execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_ruleconds (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NUL..., true) % line 1899, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql_arr(Array[24]) % line  548, file: ddllib.php
install_from_xmldb_file(/mnt/web4/22/84/51547584/htdocs/moodle/mod/scorm/db/install.xml) % line  328, file: adminlib.php
Scroll to previous warningErrorScroll to next warning

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_ruleconds COMMENT='SCORM2004 rule conditions'  


(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_rulecond ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ruleconditionsid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, refrencedobjective VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', measurethreshold FLOAT(11,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0000, operator VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'noOp', cond VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'always', CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  
1050: Table 'mdl_scorm_seq_rulecond' already exists

            adodb_mysql._execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_rulecond (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL..., false) % line  889, file:
         adodb_mysql.execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_rulecond (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
      execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_rulecond (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL..., true) % line 1899, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql_arr(Array[24]) % line  548, file: ddllib.php
install_from_xmldb_file(/mnt/web4/22/84/51547584/htdocs/moodle/mod/scorm/db/install.xml) % line  328, file: adminlib.php
Scroll to previous warningErrorScroll to next warning

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_rulecond COMMENT='SCORM2004 rule condition'  


(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprule ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, childactivityset VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', minimumcount BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, minimumpercent FLOAT(11,4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0000, conditioncombination VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'all', action VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  
1050: Table 'mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprule' already exists

            adodb_mysql._execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprule (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NU..., false) % line  889, file:
         adodb_mysql.execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprule (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NU...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
      execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprule (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NU..., true) % line 1899, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql_arr(Array[24]) % line  548, file: ddllib.php
install_from_xmldb_file(/mnt/web4/22/84/51547584/htdocs/moodle/mod/scorm/db/install.xml) % line  328, file: adminlib.php
Scroll to previous warningErrorScroll to next warning

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprule COMMENT='SCORM2004 sequencing rule'  


(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprulecond ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, rollupruleid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, operator VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'noOp', cond VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  
1050: Table 'mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprulecond' already exists

            adodb_mysql._execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprulecond (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NO..., false) % line  889, file:
         adodb_mysql.execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprulecond (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NO...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
      execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprulecond (
    id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    scoid BIGINT(10) unsigned NO..., true) % line 1899, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql_arr(Array[24]) % line  548, file: ddllib.php
install_from_xmldb_file(/mnt/web4/22/84/51547584/htdocs/moodle/mod/scorm/db/install.xml) % line  328, file: adminlib.php
Scroll to previous warningErrorScroll to next warning

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprulecond COMMENT='SCORM2004 sequencing rule'  


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('scorm', 'view', 'scorm', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'scorm-view' for key 2

            adodb_mysql._execute(INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('scorm', 'view', 'scorm', 'name'), false) % line  889, file:
         adodb_mysql.execute(INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('scorm', 'view', 'scorm', 'name')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
      execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('scorm', 'view', 'scorm', 'name'), true) % line 1899, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql_arr(Array[24]) % line  548, file: ddllib.php
install_from_xmldb_file(/mnt/web4/22/84/51547584/htdocs/moodle/mod/scorm/db/install.xml) % line  328, file: adminlib.php
Scroll to previous warningErrorScroll to next warning

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('scorm', 'review', 'scorm', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'scorm-review' for key 2

            adodb_mysql._execute(INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('scorm', 'review', 'scorm', 'name'), false) % line  889, file:
         adodb_mysql.execute(INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('scorm', 'review', 'scorm', 'name')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
      execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('scorm', 'review', 'scorm', 'name'), true) % line 1899, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql_arr(Array[24]) % line  548, file: ddllib.php
install_from_xmldb_file(/mnt/web4/22/84/51547584/htdocs/moodle/mod/scorm/db/install.xml) % line  328, file: adminlib.php
Scroll to previous warningErrorScroll to next warning

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('scorm', 'update', 'scorm', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'scorm-update' for key 2

            adodb_mysql._execute(INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('scorm', 'update', 'scorm', 'name'), false) % line  889, file:
         adodb_mysql.execute(INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('scorm', 'update', 'scorm', 'name')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
      execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('scorm', 'update', 'scorm', 'name'), true) % line 1899, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql_arr(Array[24]) % line  548, file: ddllib.php
install_from_xmldb_file(/mnt/web4/22/84/51547584/htdocs/moodle/mod/scorm/db/install.xml) % line  328, file: adminlib.php
Scroll to previous warningErrorScroll to next warning

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('scorm', 'add', 'scorm', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'scorm-add' for key 2

            adodb_mysql._execute(INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('scorm', 'add', 'scorm', 'name'), false) % line  889, file:
         adodb_mysql.execute(INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('scorm', 'add', 'scorm', 'name')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
      execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('scorm', 'add', 'scorm', 'name'), true) % line 1899, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql_arr(Array[24]) % line  548, file: ddllib.php
install_from_xmldb_file(/mnt/web4/22/84/51547584/htdocs/moodle/mod/scorm/db/install.xml) % line  328, file: adminlib.php
Scroll to previous warningErrorScroll to continue button

scorm tables could NOT be set up successfully!

Weet iemand hoe dit op te lossen is?

Gemiddelde van de beoordelingen:  -
Als antwoord op André van der Beek

Re: probleem tijdens Moddle installatie

door H Hak -

De tabellen van de scorm module staan reeds in de database.

Is de installatie al eerder uitgevoerd?

Ik heb de situatie even nagebootst door uit mijn databasetabel alle afzonderlijke tabellen te verwijderen behalve de scormtabellen en kreeg exact dezelfde melding.

Verwijder alle tabellen uit de map moodle in mysql en start de installatie ovenieuw. Mogelijk kun je beter óók  de inhoud van moodledata wissen en de inhoud van config.php zodat je helemaal van vooraf aan kunt beginnen.

Bijlage tabel.JPG
Gemiddelde van de beoordelingen:  -
Als antwoord op H Hak

Re: probleem tijdens Moddle installatie

door Ger Tielemans -

Warnings zijn voor programmeurs, niet voor admins bedoeld.
Het betekent meestal dat er minder netjes is geprogrammeerd: technisch ok, maar niet estetisch of zo..

Als je zelf niet aan Moodle sleutelt kun je het warning level beter lager zetten.

Als het errors zijn is het een andere zaak.

Gemiddelde van de beoordelingen:  -
Als antwoord op Ger Tielemans

Re: probleem tijdens Moddle installatie

door H Hak -

Ik ging er in mijn vorige mail ook vanuit dat het systeem niet verder liep en bleef hangen op de foutmelding.

Gemiddelde van de beoordelingen:  -
Als antwoord op H Hak

Re: probleem tijdens Moddle installatie

door Ger Tielemans - laatste is wel een error-melding, scorm installeert niet en ik denk dat je hier in een loop komt..

meestal de tabellen verwijderen uit de database en opnieuw de admin pagina bezoeken. (is je Moodle set wel volledig gekopieerd naar de server.. dat is vaak de oorzaak van dit probleem.)
Gemiddelde van de beoordelingen:  -
Als antwoord op Ger Tielemans

Re: probleem tijdens Moddle installatie

door Tamara Dakic -
I seem to have the same problem. I get these error messages:

1050: Table 'mdl_scorm_seq_objective' already exists

1061: Duplicate key name 'mdl_scorseqobje_scoid_uix'

1061: Duplicate key name 'mdl_scorseqobje_sco_ix'

Upgrading scorm from 2006102702 to 2007031300 FAILED!

My new Moodle 1.8 installation seems to work fine. Could somebody please translate the solution from the above discussion for me? This forum is the only google hit for the above errors.



Gemiddelde van de beoordelingen:  -
Als antwoord op Tamara Dakic

Re: probleem tijdens Moddle installatie

door Wijnhold Bolt - laatste is wel een error-melding, scorm installeert niet en ik denk dat je hier in een loop komt..

- Scorm is not installed, probably you are getting in a loop...

meestal de tabellen verwijderen uit de database en opnieuw de admin pagina bezoeken. (is je Moodle set wel volledig gekopieerd naar de server.. dat is vaak de oorzaak van dit probleem.)

- usually remove the tables from the database and visit admin page (Is your Moodle set fully copied to the server... that 's often the cause of the problem.)

Gemiddelde van de beoordelingen:  -
Als antwoord op Wijnhold Bolt

Re: probleem tijdens Moddle installatie

door Tamara Dakic -
Thank you!

I had problems updating to Moodle 1.8 because we had some 3rd party packages in 1.7. The way I got around it is that I installed Moodle 1.8 with an empty DB, installed the 3rd party packages and then switched the database to the production one. Nobody used the SCORM in the production DB, but it could be that some third party packages did and this could be be the reason for the problem. I'll have to investigate more.
Gemiddelde van de beoordelingen:  -