

por Daniela Maria Miranda -
Número de respostas: 0

Estou começando a trabalhar com a versão 1.6 do moodle. Na antinga eu tinha um plugin que se chamava Assignmentplus nesta nova versão não encontrei nenhuma atividade que fizesse o mesmo que ela. Algum sabe de alguma que poderia me ajudar ?

Alguem sabe onde posso emcontrar o plugnin do Assignmentplus


echo-Assignments allow the teacher to specify a task that requires students to prepare digital content (any format) and submit it by uploading it to the server. Typical assignments include essays, projects, reports and so on. This module includes grading facilities.

In addition to features offered by Assignment module, it enables the teacher to correct/comment submitted files in appropriate third-party application (word editor, spreadsheet aditor, etc.) and then upload them back to Moodle where students can pick them up.

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