Connecting To the Server Error in moodle mobile app

Connecting To the Server Error in moodle mobile app

Nadeem Qadar
Vastuste arv 4

I got error connecting server message when i want to connect moodle app with my moodle site. How to resolve that issues please guide me.

Manus server_error.PNG
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Vastuses Nadeem Qadar

Re: Connecting To the Server Error in moodle mobile app

Nithyanandan LMSACE
Hi Nadeem,

I got the same error in my localhost (Moodle mobile version -4.0) and tried everything to fix it.
In the google chrome I am getting this error till now but in the chromium browser, it is working fine.
Try chromium browser.
Manus screenshot.png
Vastuses Nithyanandan LMSACE

Re: Connecting To the Server Error in moodle mobile app

Nithyanandan LMSACE
Step 1:
First run this command line "start chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files --disable-web-security --disable-site-isolation-trials --allow-running-insecure-content --no-referrers --unlimited-storage --auto-open-devtools-for-tabs --user-data-dir=~/.chromium-dev-data" and the chromium browser will open then run your "locahost:8100" in the opened chromim browser.
Manus chromium-browser-disabled.png
Vastuses Nadeem Qadar

Re: Connecting To the Server Error in moodle mobile app

Baskar Kannaiah

You have create .htaccess file in your Moodle root directory. 

The below code should be there in the .htaccess file.
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

For more details, you can see my youtube video:-