Chat creation fatal error

Chat creation fatal error

дэргэд Camilo Sánchez -
Хариу нийтлэлийн тоо: 1

Fatal error: Class name must be a valid object or a string in C:\moodle\lib\pagelib.php on line 67

When I try to create a chat room on course, and when a try to save this chat room with some names, occur this fatal error.

Someone can help me?

Үнэлгээний дундаж: -
Camilo Sánchez-н хариуд

Re: Chat creation fatal error

дэргэд Julie soule -
Yes, this happened to me as well, on Moodle 1.6 with MySQL 5, PHP 5.1.2, Apache 2.0.55
I found that I had a trailing foward slash at the end of my wwwroot variable. I also had to change my chat method from daemon to normal. Now, chat works!