Loading user list from previously saved autocomplete form element or from tags form element

Loading user list from previously saved autocomplete form element or from tags form element

by Antony Barela -
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During developing my custom local plugin i need to save specific users from an edit form.
I successfully saved the list of the user, in edit_form.php:

        $options = array(
            'ajax' => 'core_user/form_user_selector',
            'multiple' => true
        $mform->addElement('autocomplete', 'userids['.$section->id.']', get_string('secretery', 'local_sec'), array(), $options);

and in edit.php:

    foreach($fromform->userids as $key=>$users){
        foreach($users as $user){
            $new_secreterly = new stdClass();
            $new_secreterly->season_section_id = $key;
            $new_secreterly->user_id = intval($user);

                $DB->insert_record('local_sec_secreteries', $new_secreterly);

I would like to load these records if already exist in the db.
I may use tags form element insted of autocomplete not sure.

Just found this function :get_item_tags_array($component, $itemtype, $itemid, $standardonly = self::BOTH_STANDARD_AND_NOT,
            $tiuserid = 0, $ashtml = true)
But not sure how to pass the fetched datas from db?

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