Custom instructions do not show on login page

Custom instructions do not show on login page

- Jessica Rocheleau の投稿
返信数: 2

I am hoping to customize my login instructions by entering text and images in the auth_instructions box. I've clicked save and purged my cache and they are still not showing. I also pressed ctrl + F5 while on the page and still don't see the change. I'm using the no authentication method.

Is there something else I might be able to try to get the change to show?

Jessica Rocheleau への返信

Re: Custom instructions do not show on login page

- Cameron 👨‍🦲🟥⚡️ の投稿
画像 Core developers 画像 Peer reviewers 画像 Testers
Hi Jessica,

What's your site name, I can have a look for you. If you're not comfortable sharing your site name here, you can submit a support ticket by going to the support tab in your portal

