Export courses completed by cohorts

Export courses completed by cohorts

by Stefanos Balampos -
Number of replies: 0

Hello to every one,

Let me describe my issue. I have a lot of users under cohorts. Every user completes a course.

How can I export a report with all the students under specific cohorts with the completion date of each course?

How can I combine the following:


SELECT u.firstname, u.lastname, h.name

FROM prefix_cohort AS h

JOIN prefix_cohort_members AS hm ON h.id = hm.cohortid

JOIN prefix_user AS u ON hm.userid = u.id

ORDER BY u.firstname 


SELECT u.username AS Resource , c.shortname AS Course ,

DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(p.timecompleted),'%Y-%d-%m') AS Date_Completed

FROM prefix_course_completions AS p

JOIN prefix_course AS c ON p.course = c.id

JOIN prefix_user AS u ON p.userid = u.id

Thank you!!!

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