AMOS Atualização do pacote de idiomas

Re: AMOS Atualização do pacote de idiomas

por Gisele Brugger -
Número de respostas: 0

Olá Talita

A replicação é imediata após estar no AMOS.

Veja se não está acontecendo alguns desses casos no seu servidor:

Language pack failure to update

  • Language packs can not be updated if your Moodle hosting company sets cURL to use IP6.
  • You can find the description of the problems and the fix in this forum threadthis and this other forum threads.
  • Basically, the symptom is this in the Available language packs area:
(Failed to connect to 2400:cb00:2048:1::6814:ef: Network is unreachable)
  • And this fix is add this to your lib/filelib.php file in the right place where curl is set (around line 1250 in M 3.1).

Moodle can not connect to

This can happen if:

  • You configured over-zealous security restrictions in your server. Check that your server can contact the server.
  • The server is down and if you try to manually download the language pack, it fails too. Please try again later.
  • Your internet service is faulty triste


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