Modifying config.php

Modifying config.php

Chat Kras -
Erantzun kopurua: 2


How can we modify this file for Moodlecloud sites?

Thanx in advance

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Chat Kras(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Modifying config.php

Craig R Morton -
Core developers-ren irudia Moodle HQ-ren irudia MoodleCloud team-ren irudia

Hi Chat,

It is not possible for you to edit your site's config.php file.

MoodleCloud is designed with an optimal user experience in mind, so, with site integrity in mind, this file is unavailable for modification.

Best Regards,

Craig R Morton

Analyst Developer (MoodleCloud)

Puntuazioen batez bestekoa:Useful (2)
Craig R Morton(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Modifying config.php

Chat Kras -

Hi Craig,

I understand the user experience argument. But wouldn't it be possible to have additionnal rights when in maintenance mode to achieve some goals?
The file parameters might be editable only in maintenance mode with a rollback to previous values when switching off the maintenance.
This would allow for basic features such as debbuging, which is impossible right now. It would be  really usefull.

I hope this proposal will be discussed in Moodle HQ.

Best regards