Uploading vimeo videos

Uploading vimeo videos

дэргэд Claire Davis -
Хариу нийтлэлийн тоо: 2


I have previously been using moodlecloud and have recently upgraded to the vimeo school.  Since then none of my videos on the platform work.

Through vimeo they do have privacy settings which I have changed to my schoolname..moodle.school.com  is that correct or should it be moodle.school. something else??  Just wondering whether it is not pointing to the correct thing as it worked fine before.

Not being a techy, I am learning as I go along :/

Thank you in advance.

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Claire Davis-н хариуд

Re: Uploading vimeo videos

дэргэд Mary Cooch -
Documentation writers зураг Moodle HQ зураг Particularly helpful Moodlers зураг Testers зураг Translators зураг

Try https://YOURSITENAME.moodle.school replacing YOURSITENAME with your Moodle site name. (I'm just moving your post to the MoodleCloud fourum инээмсэглэл )