Running tests on mac sierra

Re: Running tests on mac sierra

by Kevin Wiliarty -
Number of replies: 0

After having regular compatibility issues every time FireFox upgraded I have switched to using Chrome for running behat tests on Sierra. That has been much more stable.

I currently have:

  • Selenium Standalone Server: 3.0.1, revision: '1969d75'
  • ChromeDriver: 2.25.426935
  • Chrome: 56.0.2924.87
  • Selenium launch command:
    java -jar<path/to/chromedriver> selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar
  • In my Moodle config.php file,
    $CFG->behat_config = array(
    # 'default' => array(
    # 'formatter' => array(
    # 'name' => 'pretty',
    # 'parameters' => array(
    # 'decorated' => true,
    # 'verbose' => true
    # )
    # )
    # ),
    'chrome' => array(
    'extensions' => array(
    'Behat\MinkExtension\Extension' => array(
    'selenium2' => array(
    'browser' => 'chrome',
    'firefox' => array(
    'extensions' => array(
    'Behat\MinkExtension\Extension' => array(
    'selenium2' => array(
    'browser' => 'firefox',
    'safari' => array(
    'extensions' => array(
    'Behat\MinkExtension\Extension' => array(
    'selenium2' => array(
    'browser' => 'safari',
  • This config is not using a 'default' profile, though I could probably just make it Chrome at this point since that's what I generally use. As it stands I set the profile when I run the behat tests by including a profile flag:


I have had to upgrade selenium and chromedriver once or twice over the past year or so, but I find that the latest versions have worked with the latest versions of Chrome.

I think that covers my set-up. Hope it helps!