¿Generar query de tareas pendientes?

Re: ¿Generar query de tareas pendientes?

de Tulix Velásquez -
Número de respuestas: 0

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> también tengo este query, que muestra la cantidad de foros en un curso, la cantidad de participaciones en el foro, la cantidad de participaciones revisadas por el docente y la cantidad de participaciones hecha por el docente

SELECT a.shortname, a.fullname, a.iteminstance, a.itemname, a.calificados, b.postparticipacion, c.alumnospartiparon,d.docenteparticipacion, e.totalalumnos


SELECT  c.shortname, c.fullname ,gi.iteminstance,gi.itemname , count(distinct(gg.userid)) as calificados

 FROM mdl_grade_items gi

 left join mdl_grade_grades gg on gi.id = gg.itemid

 left join mdl_course c on gi.courseid = c.id

 where c.category = '197' and gi.itemmodule = 'forum'

and gg.finalgrade > 0

 group by c.fullname ,gi.itemname  ) a

Left join 



 c.shortname, f.id, f.name, count((p.userid)) as postparticipacion 

 from mdl_forum f 

 left join mdl_forum_discussions fd on f.id = fd.forum

 left join mdl_forum_posts p on p.discussion = fd.id

 left join mdl_course c on c.id = f.course


  where c.category = '197' 



 group by  c.shortname, f.name

) b on a.shortname = b.shortname and a.iteminstance = b.id

left join



 c.shortname, f.id, f.name, count(distinct(p.userid)) as alumnospartiparon 

 from mdl_forum f 

 left join mdl_forum_discussions fd on f.id = fd.forum

 left join mdl_forum_posts p on p.discussion = fd.id

 left join mdl_course c on c.id = f.course


  where c.category = '197' 



 group by  c.shortname, f.name

)c on a.shortname = c.shortname and a.iteminstance = c.id

left join 



 c.shortname, f.id, f.name, count((p.userid)) as docenteparticipacion 

 from mdl_forum f


 left join mdl_forum_discussions fd on f.id = fd.forum

 left join mdl_forum_posts p on p.discussion = fd.id

 left join mdl_user u on u.id = p.userid

 left JOIN mdl_role_assignments ra ON ra.userid = u.id

 left JOIN mdl_context ct ON ct.id = ra.contextid

 left join mdl_course c on c.id = f.course and c.id = ct.instanceid

 left JOIN mdl_role r ON r.id = ra.roleid


  where c.category = '197'  and  r.id = 5



 group by  c.shortname, f.name

) d  on a.shortname = d.shortname and a.iteminstance = d.id

left join


select c.shortname , count(u.username) as totalalumnos

FROM mdl_user u

INNER JOIN mdl_role_assignments ra ON ra.userid = u.id

INNER JOIN mdl_context ct ON ct.id = ra.contextid

INNER JOIN mdl_course c ON c.id = ct.instanceid

INNER JOIN mdl_role r ON r.id = ra.roleid

WHERE r.id = 9 and c.category = '197' 

group by c.shortname

)  e on a.shortname = e.shortname

group by a.shortname, a.fullname, a.itemname