Adding visual representations to plain quantitative SQL reports

Adding visual representations to plain quantitative SQL reports

by Nadav Kavalerchik -
Number of replies: 8
Picture of Core developers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers Picture of Translators

Dear fellow reporters,

I would like to share two new visual hacks I added recently to some useful reports we are using for some time now (originally developed and shared by Elizabeth Dalton's on the ad-hoc SQL reports wiki) 

(1) Student activity over the course weeks:

Display a resizable Font Awesome Icon to represent the quantitative hits of student's activity.

student activity over the course weeks

And the SQL code:

(The magic is mark in bold)


u.lastname AS 'Last Name'

, u.firstname AS 'First Name'

,  COUNT( AS 'Edits' 

, COUNT(DISTINCT IF((l.timecreated-c.startdate)<0,,NULL)) AS 'Before Term'


 # 60*60*24*7 = 604800

#,FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800) as 'timediff'

#,DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(l.timecreated),'%Y-%m-%d') AS 'l_timecreated'

#,DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(c.startdate),'%Y-%m-%d') AS 'c_startdate'

#, COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=0,,NULL)) AS 'Week 1'

,CONCAT('<i class="fa fa-user" style="font-size: ', LOG(1 + COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=0,,NULL))) ,'em;"></i>') AS 'Week 1'

#, COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=1,,NULL)) AS 'Week 2'

,CONCAT('<i class="fa fa-user" style="font-size: ', LOG(1 + COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=1,,NULL))) ,'em;"></i>') AS 'Week 2'

#, COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=2,,NULL)) AS 'Week 3'

,CONCAT('<i class="fa fa-user" style="font-size: ', LOG(1 + COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=2,,NULL))) ,'em;"></i>') AS 'Week 3'

#, COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=3,,NULL)) AS 'Week 4'

,CONCAT('<i class="fa fa-user" style="font-size: ', LOG(1 + COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=3,,NULL))) ,'em;"></i>') AS 'Week 4'

#, COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=4,,NULL)) AS 'Week 5'

,CONCAT('<i class="fa fa-user" style="font-size: ', LOG(1 + COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=4,,NULL))) ,'em;"></i>') AS 'Week 5'

#, COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=5,,NULL)) AS 'Week 6'

,CONCAT('<i class="fa fa-user" style="font-size: ', LOG(1 + COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=5,,NULL))) ,'em;"></i>') AS 'Week 6'

#, COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=6,,NULL)) AS 'Week 7'

,CONCAT('<i class="fa fa-user" style="font-size: ', LOG(1 + COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=6,,NULL))) ,'em;"></i>') AS 'Week 7'

#, COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=7,,NULL)) AS 'Week 8'

,CONCAT('<i class="fa fa-user" style="font-size: ', LOG(1 + COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=7,,NULL))) ,'em;"></i>') AS 'Week 8'

#, COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=8,,NULL)) AS 'Week 9'

,CONCAT('<i class="fa fa-user" style="font-size: ', LOG(1 + COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=8,,NULL))) ,'em;"></i>') AS 'Week 9'

#, COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=9,,NULL)) AS 'Week 10'

,CONCAT('<i class="fa fa-user" style="font-size: ', LOG(1 + COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=9,,NULL))) ,'em;"></i>') AS 'Week 10'

#, COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=10,,NULL)) AS 'Week 11'

,CONCAT('<i class="fa fa-user" style="font-size: ', LOG(1 + COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=10,,NULL))) ,'em;"></i>') AS 'Week 11'

#, COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=11,,NULL)) AS 'Week 12'

,CONCAT('<i class="fa fa-user" style="font-size: ', LOG(1 + COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=11,,NULL))) ,'em;"></i>') AS 'Week 12'


, COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/(60*60*24*7))>=12,,NULL)) AS 'After Term'


# Our institution stores academic advisor names AND emails IN custom profile FIELDS

#, CONCAT('<a href="mailto:',uce.DATA,'">',uid.DATA, '</a>')  AS 'Academic Advisor'


, CONCAT('<a target="_blank" href="%%WWWROOT%%/report/log/index.php',CHAR(63),'chooselog=1&showusers=1&showcourses=0&id=',,'&user=',,'&date=0&modid=&modaction=&logformat=showashtml','">','Logs','</a>') AS 'Logs'

 , CONCAT('<a target="_blank" href="%%WWWROOT%%/report/outline/user.php',CHAR(63),'id=',,'&course=',,'&mode=outline">','Outline','</a>') AS 'Activity Outline'

 , CONCAT('<a target="_blank" href="%%WWWROOT%%/report/outline/user.php',CHAR(63),'id=',,'&course=',,'&mode=complete">','Activity','</a>') AS 'Consolidated Activity'

 #, CONCAT('<a target="_blank" href="%%WWWROOT%%/mod/forum/user.php',CHAR(63),'id=',,'&course=',,'">','Posts','</a>') AS 'Posts'


FROM prefix_user AS u

JOIN prefix_role_assignments AS ra ON = ra.userid

JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid =

JOIN prefix_course AS c ON = ctx.instanceid

JOIN prefix_course_categories AS cc ON c.category =


# student academic coach - you can include custom profile FIELD DATA WITH these methods

# LEFT JOIN prefix_user_info_data AS uid ON = uid.userid AND uid.fieldid = '2'

# student academic coach email

# LEFT JOIN prefix_user_info_data AS uce ON = uce.userid AND uce.fieldid = '6'


LEFT JOIN prefix_logstore_standard_log AS l ON l.userid = AND l.courseid =  AND l.crud IN ('c','u')


WHERE ra.roleid =5

AND ctx.instanceid =


 GROUP BY u.idnumber

 ORDER BY u.lastname, u.firstname

(2) Student's assignment's completion status and grades (in current course, and other courses too)

Use Bootstrap progress (simple & colorful) classes to represent course grade (percentage) and also HTML5 progress tag, in case you are not using a bootstrap based theme.

Student assignment completion progress

And the SQL magic for displaying various progress bars is marked in bold:


#course.fullname as CourseName, ra.userid as CodeStudent

,(SELECT CONCAT('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/report/outline/user.php?id=',, '&course=',, '&mode=complete">', u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname, '</a>') 

    FROM mdl_user AS u WHERE = ra.userid) AS "סטודנט"


,(SELECT count(*)

from mdl_assign where ) as "מטלות - בקורס זה"

,(SELECT count(*) 

from mdl_assign_submission as mas

join mdl_assign as ma on

where ra.userid=mas.userid and as "הגשות - בקורס זה"

,(SELECT count(*) 

from mdl_assign_submission as mas

join mdl_assign as ma on

where ra.userid=mas.userid) as "הגשות - בכל הקורסים"

,(SELECT count(*) from mdl_assign where and id not in

(SELECT mas.assignment

from mdl_assign_submission as mas

join mdl_assign as ma on

where  ra.userid=mas.userid and as "טרם הוגש - בקורס זה"

#,(SELECT count(*) from mdl_assign where course in (select con.instanceid

#from mdl_role_assignments as mra join 

#mdl_context as con on and con.contextlevel=50

#where roleid=5 and userid= ra.userid)

#and id not in

#(select mas.assignment

#from mdl_assign_submission as mas

#join mdl_assign as ma on

#where  ra.userid=mas.userid and as "טרם הוגש - בכל הקורסים"

,(SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM mdl_assign_grades AS ag

JOIN mdl_assign AS a ON = ag.assignment

WHERE ag.userid = ra.userid and a.course=

and ag.grade not like 'NULL') AS "מטלות בהן התקבל ציון - בקורס זה"

#,(SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM mdl_assign_grades AS ag

#JOIN mdl_assign AS a ON = ag.assignment

#WHERE ag.userid = ra.userid and 

# ag.grade not like 'NULL') AS "Number of assign got grade In All Courses"


  '<progress max="100" value="'

,(SELECT ROUND(gg.finalgrade / gg.rawgrademax * 100 ,2)

  FROM mdl_grade_grades AS gg 

  JOIN mdl_grade_items AS gi ON = gg.itemid 

  WHERE gg.userid = ra.userid AND gi.itemtype = 'Course'


  ,'">50%</progress>') AS "Course grade in percentage"


  ,CONCAT('<div class="progress">

  <div class="bar" style="width: ',

 (SELECT ROUND(gg.finalgrade / gg.rawgrademax * 100 ,2)

  FROM mdl_grade_grades AS gg 

  JOIN mdl_grade_items AS gi ON = gg.itemid 

  WHERE gg.userid = ra.userid AND gi.itemtype = 'Course')

  ,'%;"></div></div>') AS "Course grade in percentage"



(SELECT ROUND(gg.finalgrade / gg.rawgrademax * 100 ,2)

 FROM mdl_grade_grades AS gg 

 JOIN mdl_grade_items AS gi ON = gg.itemid 

 WHERE gg.userid = ra.userid AND gi.itemtype = 'Course') < 60 


CONCAT('<div class="progress">

  <div class="bar bar-danger" style="width: ',

(SELECT ROUND(gg.finalgrade / gg.rawgrademax * 100 ,2)

 FROM mdl_grade_grades AS gg 

 JOIN mdl_grade_items AS gi ON = gg.itemid 

 WHERE gg.userid = ra.userid AND gi.itemtype = 'Course')   




(SELECT ROUND(gg.finalgrade / gg.rawgrademax * 100 ,2)

 FROM mdl_grade_grades AS gg 

 JOIN mdl_grade_items AS gi ON = gg.itemid 

 WHERE gg.userid = ra.userid AND gi.itemtype = 'Course') >= 60 


CONCAT('<div class="progress">

  <div class="bar bar-warning" style="width: ',

(SELECT ROUND(gg.finalgrade / gg.rawgrademax * 100 ,2)

 FROM mdl_grade_grades AS gg 

 JOIN mdl_grade_items AS gi ON = gg.itemid 

 WHERE gg.userid = ra.userid AND gi.itemtype = 'Course')   



WHEN (SELECT ROUND(gg.finalgrade / gg.rawgrademax * 100 ,2)

 FROM mdl_grade_grades AS gg 

 JOIN mdl_grade_items AS gi ON = gg.itemid 

 WHERE gg.userid = ra.userid AND gi.itemtype = 'Course') >= 85 


CONCAT('<div class="progress">

  <div class="bar bar-success" style="width: ',

(SELECT ROUND(gg.finalgrade / gg.rawgrademax * 100 ,2)

 FROM mdl_grade_grades AS gg 

 JOIN mdl_grade_items AS gi ON = gg.itemid 

 WHERE gg.userid = ra.userid AND gi.itemtype = 'Course')   



END AS "colorful percentage"

#<div class="progress">

#  <div class="bar bar-success" style="width: 35%;"></div>

#  <div class="bar bar-warning" style="width: 20%;"></div>

#  <div class="bar bar-danger" style="width: 10%;"></div>


FROM mdl_role_assignments AS ra

JOIN mdl_context AS context ON ra.contextid =

AND context.contextlevel =50

JOIN mdl_course AS course ON = context.instanceid

WHERE ra.roleid=5 


#and ra.userid=339 


Hope you like it and it get you into creating some more inspiring visual representations for all those number-full hard to read reports.


Average of ratings: Useful (2)
In reply to Nadav Kavalerchik

Re: Adding visual representations to plain quantitative SQL reports

by Randy Thornton -
Picture of Documentation writers


Some excellent magic there!

I hadn't thought of using the font awesome icons in reports, though I use them elsewhere in courses. What an inspired idea.

Thanks for sharing this.


In reply to Randy Thornton

Re: Adding visual representations to plain quantitative SQL reports

by Nadav Kavalerchik -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers Picture of Translators

Happy to read that you like it smile

I am already thinking about using that magic with the generico filter (update will follow... soon)

In reply to Nadav Kavalerchik

Re: Adding visual representations to plain quantitative SQL reports

by Emma Richardson -
Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

I tried both reports out on my site and keep getting a no semicolon error?  Any thoughts?

In reply to Emma Richardson

Re: Adding visual representations to plain quantitative SQL reports

by Nadav Kavalerchik -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers Picture of Translators

Please turn debugging on, and attach a screen capture of what you get. or just copy and paste the detailed error message here.

In reply to Nadav Kavalerchik

Re: Adding visual representations to plain quantitative SQL reports

by Emma Richardson -
Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers
Invalid get_string() identifier: 'nosemicolon' or component 'report_customsql'. Perhaps you are missing $string['nosemicolon'] = ''; in /lang/en/report_customsql.php?
  • line 349 of /lib/classes/string_manager_standard.php: call to debugging()
  • line 6876 of /lib/moodlelib.php: call to core_string_manager_standard->get_string()
  • line 105 of /blocks/configurable_reports/components/customsql/form.php: call to get_string()
  • line 84 of /blocks/configurable_reports/components/customsql/form.php: call to customsql_form->validation_high_security()
  • line 571 of /lib/formslib.php: call to customsql_form->validation()
  • line 520 of /lib/formslib.php: call to moodleform->validate_defined_fields()
  • line 617 of /lib/formslib.php: call to moodleform->is_validated()
  • line 100 of /blocks/configurable_reports/editcomp.php: call to moodleform->get_data()
Tried with adaptable and clean to see if it was maybe a theme issue.  Using latest version of config report on Moodle 3.1.2
In reply to Emma Richardson

Re: Adding visual representations to plain quantitative SQL reports

by Nadav Kavalerchik -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers Picture of Translators

Ok. now I understand what is happening...

The above warning, is just a missing translation string. not something that suppose to prevent you from running the report.

BUT the main cause is that I was using CSS ";" inside my CONCAT strings, and the SQL parser was "upset" about it.

Please remove the ";" from "em;", as it is not that important for the browser's CSS parser.

I am not getting this error, since I use a different ("forked") version of block_configurable_reports. which is less secure and allow me to use ";" inside SQL queries. It has some different features which not all of them got into the main version Juan is maintaining. maybe one day smile

In reply to Nadav Kavalerchik

Re: Adding visual representations to plain quantitative SQL reports

by Nadav Kavalerchik -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers Picture of Translators

Ok. pushed it a little bit further...

Chartlets small charts inside SQL reports

Added the JS library to the configurable reports block, and tweaked the SQL query to:

,CONCAT('<canvas class="chartlet" 
data-colors="#ffcc00 #ff66cc" 
data-range="0 10" 
COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=0,,NULL)),' ',
COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=1,,NULL)),' ',
COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=2,,NULL)),' ',
COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=3,,NULL)),' ',
COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=4,,NULL)),' ',
COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=5,,NULL)),' ',
COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=6,,NULL)),' ',
COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=7,,NULL)),' ',
COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=8,,NULL)),' ',
COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=9,,NULL)),' ',
COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=10,,NULL)),' ',
COUNT(DISTINCT IF(FLOOR((l.timecreated - c.startdate)/604800)=11,,NULL)),' ',
'] [0 0 0 0 0]" 
width="100" height="35" 
data-opts="stroke: 2 shape: smooth cap: circle"></canvas>') as "Chartlet"

You can also add the Chartlets.js library via "Site administration > Appearance > Additional HTML" (In case you do not want to patch just a few lines in the CR block) 

Average of ratings: Useful (1)