importação de questionário

importação de questionário

por Cesar Felipe Ferreira -
Número de respostas: 0
Olá a todos e todas,

estou fazendo uma customização na importação de questionário do moodle versão 2.6.1.
Estou fazendo a alteração no Formato Aiken, hoje ele funciona assim:

A) resposta
B) resposta
C) resposta
D) resposta

Quero que ele importe também o feedback geral, desta forma:

A) resposta
B) resposta
C) resposta
D) resposta
FEEDBACKGERAL: aqui o feedback geral da questão

Para isso estou fuçando no código, abaixo o código e em negrito como configurei ele, se alguém puder me dar uma luz agradeceria.

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

class qformat_aiken extends qformat_default {

    public function provide_import() {
        return true;

    public function readquestions($lines) {
        $questions = array();
        $question = $this->defaultquestion();
        $endchar = chr(13);
        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            $stp = strpos($line, $endchar, 0);
            $newlines = explode($endchar, $line);
            $linescount = count($newlines);
            for ($i=0; $i < $linescount; $i++) {
                $nowline = trim($newlines[$i]);
                // Go through the array and build an object called $question
                // When done, add $question to $questions.
                if (strlen($nowline) < 2) {
                if (preg_match('/^[A-Z][).][ \t]/', $nowline)) {
                    // A choice. Trim off the label and space, then save.
                    $question->answer[] = $this->text_field(
                            htmlspecialchars(trim(substr($nowline, 2)), ENT_NOQUOTES));
                    $question->fraction[] = 0;
                    $question->feedback[] = $this->text_field('');
                } else if (preg_match('/^ANSWER:/', $nowline)) {
                    // The line that indicates the correct answer. This question is finised.
                    $ans = trim(substr($nowline, strpos($nowline, ':') + 1));
                    $ans = substr($ans, 0, 1);
                    // We want to map A to 0, B to 1, etc.
                    $rightans = ord($ans) - ord('A');
                    $question->fraction[$rightans] = 1;
                    $questions[] = $question;
                    //feedback geral                   
                    } else if (preg_match('/^FEEDBACKGERAL:/', $nowline)) {
                        $feed= trim(substr($nowline, strpos($nowline, ':') + 1));
                    $feed= substr($feed, 0, 1);

                    $question->feedback[0] = $feed;
                    $questions[] = $question;

                    // Clear array for next question set.
                    $question = $this->defaultquestion();

                } else {
                    // Must be the first line of a new question, since no recognised prefix.
                    $question->qtype = 'multichoice';
                    $question->name = $this->create_default_question_name($nowline, get_string('questionname', 'question'));
                    $question->questiontext = htmlspecialchars(trim($nowline), ENT_NOQUOTES);
                    $question->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML;
                    $question->generalfeedback = array();
                    $question->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
                    $question->single = 1;
                    $question->answer = array();
                    $question->fraction = array();
                    $question->feedback = array();
                    $question->correctfeedback = $this->text_field('');
                    $question->partiallycorrectfeedback = $this->text_field('');
                    $question->incorrectfeedback = $this->text_field('');
        return $questions;

    protected function text_field($text) {
        return array(
            'text' => htmlspecialchars(trim($text), ENT_NOQUOTES),
            'format' => FORMAT_HTML,
            'files' => array(),

    public function readquestion($lines) {
        // This is no longer needed but might still be called by default.php.

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