Editor anpassen

Re: Editor anpassen

von Ralf Hilgenstock -
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moodle verwendet HTMLarea als Editor http://www.dynarch.com/projects/htmlarea/. Dort sollten sich auch derartige Informationen finden. Die Funktion eines Buttons mit einer festgelegten Schriftfarbe ist sicher für das neue Aufgabenmodul sehr hilfreich.

Hier eine Beschreibung aus der Dokumentation:

How do I customize the toolbar?

Using the configuration object introduced above allows you to completely control what the toolbar contains. Following is an example of a one-line, customized toolbar, much simpler than the default one:

var config = new HTMLArea.Config();
config.toolbar = [
['fontname', 'space',
'fontsize', 'space',
'formatblock', 'space',
'bold', 'italic', 'underline']
HTMLArea.replace('id', config);

The toolbar is an Array of Array objects. Each array in the toolbar defines a new line. The default toolbar looks like this:

config.toolbar = [
[ "fontname", "space",
"fontsize", "space",
"formatblock", "space",
"bold", "italic", "underline", "separator",
"strikethrough", "subscript", "superscript", "separator",
"copy", "cut", "paste", "space", "undo", "redo" ],

[ "justifyleft", "justifycenter", "justifyright", "justifyfull", "separator",
"insertorderedlist", "insertunorderedlist", "outdent", "indent", "separator",
"forecolor", "hilitecolor", "textindicator", "separator",
"inserthorizontalrule", "createlink", "insertimage", "inserttable", "htmlmode", "separator",
"popupeditor", "separator", "showhelp", "about" ]

Except three strings, all others in the examples above need to be defined in the config.btnList object (detailed a bit later in this document). The three exceptions are: 'space', 'separator' and 'linebreak'. These three have the following meaning, and need not be present in btnList:

  • 'space' -- Inserts a space of 5 pixels (the width is configurable by external CSS) at the current position in the toolbar.
  • 'separator' -- Inserts a small vertical separator, for visually grouping related buttons.
  • 'linebreak' -- Starts a new line in the toolbar. Subsequent controls will be inserted on the new line.

Important: It's recommended that you add custom features and configuration to a separate file. This will ensure you that when we release a new official version of HTMLArea you'll have less trouble upgrading it.

How do I create custom buttons?

By design, the toolbar is easily extensible. For adding a custom button one needs to follow two steps.

1. Register the button in config.btnList.

For each button in the toolbar, HTMLArea needs to know the following information:

  • a name for it (we call it the ID of the button);
  • the path to an image to be displayed in the toolbar;
  • a tooltip for it;
  • whether the button is enabled or not in text mode;
  • what to do when the button is clicked;

You need to provide all this information for registering a new button too. The button ID can be any string identifier and it's used when defining the toolbar, as you saw above. We recommend starting it with "my-" so that it won't clash with the standard ID-s (those from the default toolbar).

Register button example #1

// get a default configuration
var config = new HTMLArea.Config();
// register the new button using Config.registerButton.
// parameters: button ID, tooltip, image, textMode,
config.registerButton("my-hilite", "Highlight text", "my-hilite.gif", false,
// function that gets called when the button is clicked
function(editor, id) {
editor.surroundHTML('<span class="hilite">', '</span>');

An alternate way of calling registerButton is exemplified above. Though the code might be a little bit larger, using this form makes your code more maintainable. It doesn't even needs comments as it's pretty clear.

Register button example #2

var config = new HTMLArea.Config();
id : "my-hilite",
tooltip : "Highlight text",
image : "my-hilite.gif",
textMode : false,
action : function(editor, id) {
editor.surroundHTML('<span class="hilite">', '</span>');

You might notice that the "action" function receives two parameters: editor and id. In the examples above we only used the editor parameter. But it could be helpful for you to understand both:

  • editor is a reference to the HTMLArea object. Since our entire code now has an OOP-like design, you need to have a reference to the editor object in order to do things with it. In previous versions of HTMLArea, in order to identify the object an ID was used -- the ID of the HTML element. In this version ID-s are no longer necessary.
  • id is the button ID. Wondering why is this useful? Well, you could use the same handler function (presuming that it's not an anonymous function like in the examples above) for more buttons. You can see an example a bit later in this document.

2. Inserting it into the toolbar

At this step you need to specify where in the toolbar to insert the button, or just create the whole toolbar again as you saw in the previous section. You use the button ID, as shown in the examples of customizing the toolbar in the previous section.

For the sake of completion, following there are another examples.

Append your button to the default toolbar

config.toolbar.push([ "my-hilite" ]);

Customized toolbar

config.toolbar = [
['fontname', 'space',
'fontsize', 'space',
'formatblock', 'space',
'separator', 'my-hilite', 'separator', 'space', // here's your button
'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'space']

Note: in the example above our new button is between two vertical separators. But this is by no means required. You can put it wherever you like. Once registered in the btnList (step 1) your custom button behaves just like a default button.

Important: It's recommended that you add custom features and configuration to a separate file. This will ensure you that when we release a new official version of HTMLArea you'll have less trouble upgrading it.

A complete example

Please note that it is by no means necessary to include the following code into the htmlarea.js file. On the contrary, it might not work there. The configuration system is designed such that you can always customize the editor from outside files, thus keeping the htmlarea.js file intact. This will make it easy for you to upgrade your HTMLArea when we release a new official version. OK, I promise it's the last time I said this. ;)

// All our custom buttons will call this function when clicked.
// We use the buttonId parameter to determine what button
// triggered the call.
function clickHandler(editor, buttonId) {
switch (buttonId) {
case "my-toc":
editor.insertHTML("<h1>Table Of Contents</h1>");
case "my-date":
editor.insertHTML((new Date()).toString());
case "my-bold":
case "my-hilite":
editor.surroundHTML("<span class=\"hilite\">", "</span>");

// Create a new configuration object
var config = new HTMLArea.Config();

// Register our custom buttons
config.registerButton("my-toc", "Insert TOC", "my-toc.gif", false, clickHandler);
config.registerButton("my-date", "Insert date/time", "my-date.gif", false, clickHandler);
config.registerButton("my-bold", "Toggle bold/italic", "my-bold.gif", false, clickHandler);
config.registerButton("my-hilite", "Hilite selection", "my-hilite.gif", false, clickHandler);

// Append the buttons to the default toolbar
config.toolbar.push(["linebreak", "my-toc", "my-date", "my-bold", "my-hilite"]);

// Replace an existing textarea with an HTMLArea object having the above config.
HTMLArea.replace("textAreaID", config);