Hotpot for Moodle 2.5

Re: Hotpot for Moodle 2.5

by María José Blanes -
Number of replies: 0

Hi Gordon,
thanks to you for your great work! big grin

A couple more of things...

 When, as a student, I click on the "Item Analisys Report" I get a repeated warning (I think It appears so many times as the student's attemps number):

 Did you remember to make the first column something unique in your call to get_records? Duplicate value '18' found in column 'id'.

  • line 1014 of \lib\dml\mysqli_native_moodle_database.php: call to debugging()
  • line 1395 of \lib\tablelib.php: call to mysqli_native_moodle_database->get_records_sql()
  • line 152 of \mod\hotpot\report\renderer.php: call to table_sql->query_db()
  • line 88 of \mod\hotpot\report\renderer.php: call to mod_hotpot_report_renderer->reportcontent()
  • line 93 of \mod\hotpot\report.php: call to mod_hotpot_report_renderer->render_report()


I've been trying to find the problem by comparing with the hotpot add-on used in my university during this academic year (in a older version of Moodle).

In the query, I think the problem is the table "mdl_user u". It shouldn't appear at the FROM statement...(maybe?)

SELECT ha.*,
       (ha.timemodified - ha.timestart) AS duration,
       1 AS q_0,
       1 AS q_1,
       1 AS q_2,
       1 AS q_3,
       1 AS q_4,
       1 AS q_5,
       1 AS q_6,
       1 AS q_7,
       1 AS q_8,
       1 AS q_9,
       ROUND (gg.rawgrade, 0) AS grade
  FROM mdl_hotpot_attempts ha,
       mdl_user u,
       mdl_grade_items gi,
       mdl_grade_grades gg
 WHERE     ha.hotpotid = '5'
       AND ha.userid = '3'
       AND ha.userid = gg.userid
       AND gg.itemid =
       AND gi.courseid =  '8'
       AND gi.itemtype =  'mod'
       AND gi.itemmodule = 'hotpot'
       AND gi.iteminstance = '5'


On the other hand, if as a admin I click on a report and, after that, I change my rol (with "Swith rol to...") I get an error ("Can not find the data record in database"):

No se puede encontrar registro de datos en la base de datos.

Más información sobre este error

Debug info: SELECT cm.*,, AS modname
FROM {course_modules} cm
JOIN {modules} md ON = cm.module
JOIN {hotpot} m ON = cm.instance

WHERE = :cmid AND = :modulename

[array (
'cmid' => 8,
'modulename' => 'hotpot',
Error code: invalidrecordunknown
Stack trace:
  • line 1400 of \lib\dml\moodle_database.php: dml_missing_record_exception thrown
  • line 1275 of \lib\datalib.php: call to moodle_database->get_record_sql()
  • line 34 of \mod\hotpot\report.php: call to get_coursemodule_from_id()


This time I've not idea how to fix it...sad
