2.3 External Database Enrollment Not Logging

2.3 External Database Enrollment Not Logging

by Benjamin St.Germain -
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I have the external database enrollment system working on our 2.3 server (2.3.3 20121112) to add and remove users from classes from the command line, but it is not producing anything in the log files.  On our 1.9 server the error log shows all of the adds and removals, and the main script output shows what roles are being sync'd.  But on 2.3 it is not producing anything to the error log or main output. 

This is on a windows server, and here is how I am running the script from the command line:

SET logdt=%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%%date:~10,4%

X:\php\php -d log_errors=1 -d error_log=X:\scriptlogs\enrolllogerr"%logdt%".txt -d error_reporting=E_ALL -d display_errors=1 -d html_errors=0 -d memory_limit=768M -c X:\php\php.ini X:\moodle\enrol\database\cli\sync.php >> X:\scriptlogs\enrolllog"%logdt%".txt

I tried adding the -v flag, but that didn't help and the script didn't run properly after I did that.  Any suggestion on how to make the logging work again would be appreciated.  I'm running cron and LDAP the same way and they are logging in pretty much the same way as 1.9.

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