Q re calculating course grade totals in 1 course containing undergrad and Postgrad students with different assignments for each

Q re calculating course grade totals in 1 course containing undergrad and Postgrad students with different assignments for each

by Peter Evans -
Number of replies: 0

On Monday I will be presenting some training on setting up the Moodle gradebook (1.9). One issue that will arise is that the Moodle course has students from two seperate courses in the one Moodle course and the students from the different course have different assessment items as well.

  • Undergrad students (a1 worth 40%) (a2 worth 60%)
  • Postgrad students (A1 worth 20%) (A2 worth 60%) (a3 worth 20%)

Currently the UG and PG students are not in seperate groups but we could do this if needed.

Does anyone have a brilliant (or at least workable) suggestion for implementing this the Moodle gradebook so the assessment is correctly totalled.

The current plan is to:

  • setup 5 different assignments (a1 ug) (a2 UG) (A1 PG) (A2 PG) (A3 PG) and make them availble only to the reelvant grouping
  • in the gradebook setup collumns for "Total if you are enrolled in UG" and set the forumular fo the total to =sum(11111, 11112) and then setup another for the PG course and set it to =sum(55551, 55552, 55553)
  • and tell the students to look at the correct total

Is there a way of showing a grade only to people in a set group?

Any better suggestions gratfully received and I am happy to send interested people a link to the PPT supporting the training.

Peter Evans
eMarking Assistant: helping teachers grade electronic assignments