WebCT matching questions import

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Re: WebCT matching questions import

de Bob Boufford -


Just to clarify, are you looking for conversion of "Fill in Blank" question types from WebCT Vista or "Short Answer" question types from WebCT Campus Edition and Vista?

Yes, there is a difference...

Short answer in WebCT (Fill in Blank in Blackboard) is a question followed by one or more blank fields. A more apt description is "a really short answer to an essay/paragraph question". An example would be "What is one of the best CMSs around?" [blank]

Fill in the Blank in WebCT Vista is a question with one or more answer fields "inline" such as "Of the CMSs, [blank] is one of the best around". To create a Fill in the Blank requires "placeholders" inserted while the question is created.



In reply to Bob Boufford

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