Restore Multiplos

Restore Multiplos

por Kleber Ferreira Sereno Silva -
Número de respostas: 4
Boa tarde, pessoal!

Estou utilizando a versão 1.9.8 do moodle, gostaria de saber se alguem possui a um modulo ou um path para realizar restore multiplos, ou seja eu tenho um curso prontinho e gostaria de restaurar este cursos para outros 20 cursos por exemplo.

Já procurei em diversos lugares e não encontrei nada que funcione.

Até mais!
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Em resposta à Kleber Ferreira Sereno Silva

Re: Restore Multiplos

por Ivo Eduardo Seben de Azevedo -
Oi, Kleber,

Olha se é isso que encontrei na seção de módulos e plugins (tu poderias ter procurado lá, hehehe):

Está tudo explicadinho (em inglês) no texto da página de download do patch.


Ivo Eduardo

Major Patch: Create multiple copies of courses

Type: Major Patch
Requires: Moodle 1.9

This patch allows multiple copies of a course to be instantly created based on a course template. The patch has been successfully tested and implemented on Moodle 1.9.4 but may work for previous versions.

  1. Download the patch from here.
  2. Replace the following Moodle files with the corresponding files contained in the zip file:
  • backup/restore.php
  • backup/restore_execute.html
  • backup/restore_form.html
  • backup/restorelib.php
  • lang/en_utf8/moodle.php
Usage Guide:
  1. Create a course that you would like to replicate and then export it.
  2. From the site administration menu select Restore.
  3. Select the file you wish to have as the course template and select the restore options that you would like.
  4. While selecting your desired preferences as you continue through the restore pages the patch will provide you with a new option to choose how many copies you would like.
  5. When you finally restore, multiple copies of your course template will be created with copy1, copy 2, copy 3 etc appended to the course name.
  6. You can then allocate users to courses by selecting users->accounts->upload users from the site administration menu (note, to get the csv list of users you want to upload you can first dowload your user lists from the users->bulk user actions option on the site administration menu). For assistance with the csv upload format refer to the context sensitive help available from the users->accounts->upload users menu.
Presto! Multiple courses for users.

Other Comments:

The patch has been used to create courses for individual groups of students so that they could be teachers of their course in order to learn how to use Moodle. There may be many other possible applications for the patch.

The patch was created by Pukunui ( ) based on funds received from a Macquarie University Emerging Technology Grant.

While it is hoped that others may benefit from the use of this tool and that it eventually forms part of the Moodle source, Macquarie University in no way accepts responsibility for any issues that may arise from its use.

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Em resposta à Ivo Eduardo Seben de Azevedo

Re: Restore Multiplos

por Kleber Ferreira Sereno Silva -
Olá Ivo,

Obrigado pela tentativa.... mas eu já vi esse Post e não está funcionando inclusive tem post´s de usuarios dizendo que não funcionou.

Incluve o colaborador que criou o este patch cria um outro patch dizendo que resolveria o problema mas este outro patch esta quebrado inclusive deixei um post meu lá para ele que se não me engano é o ultimo.

"Hello, I'm using version 1.9.8 and am trying to download the patch but the link is broken.

Its someone help me?


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