Moving moodle installation to another server

Re: Moving moodle installation to another server

by Timothy Takemoto -
Number of replies: 0

Thanks for this advice Jeffery,

I managed to upload a database in pieces.

Since I did not want to overwrite the database I was using straight away, I removed the database stipulation from the moodle-ported php mysqladmin in
with ''
and then created a new database moodle2 into which I imported the exported database.

I had to change (I think I had to change) a couple of lines
In the first piece of the database I put "2"s into the following lines as shown,

USE moodle2;

And then added

USE moodle2;

to the top of the other pieces to make sure it was added to the new database.

Using EasyPHP and moodle for the desktop, it was possible to export and import a severly paired down database using only two pieces of about 1.5 MB each.

It would have been nice to know where to change things so that the time limit is more than 300 seconds but I did not find the "300" setting. There were settings of 30 seconds in php.ini in the apache and php folders but that did not do the trick.

There is also some software called "bigdump," but I did not attempt to use it.

The reason why I was exporting and importing a database was to convert the encoding.
