Cumulative Points Grading System Resulting in Accurate Total

Cumulative Points Grading System Resulting in Accurate Total

by Bob Puffer -
Number of replies: 3
  1. From Categories and Items tab:
  • Set main grade category (name of course) to Weighted
  • Add two subcategories with aggregation method of "Sum of Points":
    • Ungraded with weight of 0%
    • Grades with weight of 100%
Add all ungraded items to the Ungraded category and all graded items to the graded category Move items from ungraded to graded as they are graded.

Result: Students know the total points for the course, they know their cumulative total already graded (against the maximum available) and they know their current grade.

Unfortunately this brings us back to that old grading model of "making the system exclude ungraded items" but its either that or dealing with a category or course total that isn't displayable as total points available.
In reply to Bob Puffer

Re: Cumulative Points Grading System Resulting in Accurate Total

by Mark Pearson -

This is brilliant! Nice one Cyril!
I'm presuming that this technique will work with sub-categories (should do)?
Is there any significance to the aggregation method (and why can't we change that term?) 'sum of points'? Could this be changed to weighted mean for example?

"Unfortunately this brings us back to that old grading model of "making the system exclude ungraded items" but its either that or dealing with a category or course total that isn't displayable as total points available."

Could you expound on this a wee bit more?
In reply to Mark Pearson

Re: Cumulative Points Grading System Resulting in Accurate Total

by Bob Puffer -
All OUR previous renditions of gradebooks did not allow excluding of ungraded items in the calculation of the total. I say "OUR" because I've not actually used Moodle''s core gradebook until this term. LSU's (used last Spring) did, but the others didn't so instructors would have to create a "Completed" category and and "Uncompleted" category, similar to my instructions above.
In reply to Bob Puffer

Re: Cumulative Points Grading System Resulting in Accurate Total

by Wendi Dunlap -
I believe this solves a problem that has been bugging me (in 1.9.4) for ages.

I have a class with 200 total points, and I want students to be able to see their current point total as a percentage of the current possible points (which is some number less than 200, since we're not to the end of the term yet -- currently their point maximum is only 125). As far as I can tell, Moodle can't automatically do this... which is weird, as it seems basic to me.

After some experimenting it looks as if this method will work, but it is rather annoying to have to move things around so much.