Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av Peter Cameron -
Antal svar: 24
Getting this error when trying to use spell check 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

Running Linux, Moodle 1.4, Aspel Version 3.1.20 (but really Aspell .33.7.1 alpha)

Works in command line, but not in Moodle.

Help would be appreciated
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Som svar till Peter Cameron

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av Janne Mikkonen -
Your aspell version seems to be too old! You need version 0.5 or better
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Som svar till Janne Mikkonen

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av W Page -
Hi Janne!

I finally got a chance to place the following at the command line in SSH,

aspell dump dicts
and got back
bash: ./aspell: is a directory

I know I have installed Aspell with the "en" dictionary.


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Som svar till W Page

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av Janne Mikkonen -
Ok! So your aspell is installed underneath your home directory.

Try command ./aspell/aspell dump dicts
or first go to aspell subdirectory cd aspell then write command aspell dump dicts

- Janne -
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Som svar till Janne Mikkonen

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av W Page -
Hi Janne!

This is what happened,
  1. Went to aspell subdirectory cd aspell then wrote the command
    aspell dump dicts.
    This was the result,

    u12345678:~/aspell >
    aspell dump dicts
    bash: aspell: command not found
    u12345678:~/aspell >
  2. Tried the following command directly from the prompt.
    ./aspell/aspell dump dicts.
    This is what happened,
    u12345678:~ > ./aspell/aspell dump dicts
    bash: ./aspell/aspell: No such file or directory
    u12345678:~ >


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Som svar till W Page

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av Janne Mikkonen -
Hi WP1

It seems like you don't have aspell installed on your server!?! To veryfy this write command: whereis aspell

If nothing comes up (no path), then aspell isn't there ledsen
If you're using hosted server, then you must ask your server admin to install it.

- Janne -
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Som svar till Janne Mikkonen

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av W Page -
Hi Janne!

Below is the result of your latest suggestion.  I only get "aspell:" back.

u12345678:~ >
whereis aspell
u35879489:~ >

I installed "aspell-0.50.5.tar.gz" and the English language pack "aspell5-en-6.0-0.tar.bz2".  This was the language pack recommended for Aspell .5 by Kevin Atkinson who is the Maintainer of GNU Aspell.

I have placed the readout from SSH from mostly "cd" commands with "aspell". 
  • The first output is from the directory of the web site so you can see the "aspell" directory is there.  I went through the "./configure - make - make install" inside the "aspell" directory and all went fine. 
  • The second run displays the contents inside of the "aspell" directory. 
  • The third run displays the contents inside of the "aspell/bin" directory.

You might see something to explain why the speller is not working on my sites.


u12345678:~ > dir
drwxr-xr-x   17 u1234567 ftpusers     4096 Oct  4 13:01 aspell
drwxr-xr-x    3 u1234567 ftpusers     4096 Oct  3 23:50 aspell5-en-6.0-0
u12345678:~/aspell >

u12345678:~ > cd aspell
u12345678:~/aspell > dir
total 1664
-rw-r--r--    1 u1234567 ftpusers    26430 Jul 29  2002 COPYING
-rw-r--r--    1 u1234567 ftpusers     6302 Feb  9  2004 ChangeLog
-rw-r--r--    1 u1234567 ftpusers    18366 Oct  3 23:22 Makefile
-rw-r--r--    1 u1234567 ftpusers      225 Feb 10  2004
-rw-r--r--    1 u1234567 ftpusers    18413 Feb 10  2004
-rw-r--r--    1 u1234567 ftpusers    13192 Feb 10  2004 README
-rw-r--r--    1 u1234567 ftpusers        2 Aug  4  2002 TODO
-rw-r--r--    1 u1234567 ftpusers   243829 Feb 10  2004 aclocal.m4
-rw-r--r--    1 u1234567 ftpusers        0 Oct  4 13:01 aspell
drwxr-xr-x    3 u1234567 ftpusers     4096 Oct  3 23:22 auto
drwxr-xr-x    2 u1234567 ftpusers     4096 Oct  3 23:25 bin
drwxr-xr-x    4 u1234567 ftpusers     4096 Oct  3 23:23 common
-rwxr-xr-x    1 u1234567 ftpusers    43019 Jan 25  2004 config.guess
-rw-r--r--    1 u1234567 ftpusers    29358 Oct  3 23:22 config.log
-rwxr-xr-x    1 u1234567 ftpusers    40421 Oct  3 23:22 config.status
-rwxr-xr-x    1 u1234567 ftpusers    30925 Jan 25  2004 config.sub
-rwxr-xr--    1 u1234567 ftpusers   686531 Feb 10  2004 configure
-rw-r--r--    1 u1234567 ftpusers     9106 Feb 10  2004
drwxr-xr-x    2 u1234567 ftpusers     4096 Oct  3 23:22 data
-rwxr-xr--    1 u1234567 ftpusers    12123 Aug  8  2002 depcomp
drwxr-xr-x    4 u1234567 ftpusers     4096 Oct  3 23:25 examples
drwxr-xr-x    3 u1234567 ftpusers     4096 Oct  3 23:25 include
-rwxr-xr--    1 u1234567 ftpusers     5569 Aug  8  2002 install-sh
drwxr-xr-x    3 u1234567 ftpusers     4096 Oct  3 23:22 interfaces
drwxr-xr-x    5 u1234567 ftpusers     4096 Oct  3 23:35 lib
-rwxr-xr-x    1 u1234567 ftpusers   202499 Oct  3 23:22 libtool
-rw-r--r--    1 u1234567 ftpusers   182734 Jan 25  2004
drwxr-xr-x    6 u1234567 ftpusers     4096 Oct  3 23:22 manual
-rwxr-xr--    1 u1234567 ftpusers    10270 Aug  8  2002 missing
-rwxr-xr--    1 u1234567 ftpusers     1801 Aug  8  2002 mkinstalldirs
drwxr-xr-x    5 u1234567 ftpusers     4096 Oct  3 23:22 modules
drwxr-xr-x    4 u1234567 ftpusers     4096 Oct  3 23:25 prog
drwxr-xr-x    2 u1234567 ftpusers     4096 Oct  3 23:24 scripts
drwxr-xr-x    4 u1234567 ftpusers     4096 Oct  3 23:25 share
drwxr-xr-x    2 u1234567 ftpusers     4096 Feb 10  2004 suncc
drwxr-xr-x    3 u1234567 ftpusers     4096 Feb 10  2004 win32
u12345678:~/aspell >

u12345678:~/aspell > cd bin
u12345678:~/aspell/bin > dir
total 1288
-rwxr-xr-x    1 u1234567 ftpusers  1281063 Oct  3 23:25 aspell
-rwxr-xr-x    1 u1234567 ftpusers     2044 Oct  3 23:25 aspell-import
-rwxr-xr-x    1 u1234567 ftpusers      433 Oct  3 23:25 pspell-config
-rwxr-xr-x    1 u1234567 ftpusers       92 Oct  3 23:25 run-with-aspell
-rwxr-xr-x    1 u1234567 ftpusers    16943 Oct  3 23:25 word-list-compress
u12345678:~/aspell >
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Som svar till W Page

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av Janne Mikkonen -
Yep! If installing went well without any error messages, the only problem that you have is that aspell is not in your PATH invironment variable. You need to supply full path to the aspell executable (binary) eg. /path/to/aspell/bin

When you write aspell dump dicts you either must be in the ~/aspell/bin directory or provide appropriate path to aspell binary. If you're running this command in the bin directory then you'll need to provide an extra dot and slash before the command: ./aspell dump dicts this tells to bash to find this executable in this current directory.

Your Moodle configuration variable should also point to that bin directory.

I really do hope this isn't all that confusing stort leende

- Janne -

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Som svar till Janne Mikkonen

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av W Page -
Hi Janne!

Two things.


I went into the "aspell/bin" and got the following,

u12345678:~ > cd aspell
u12345678:~/aspell > cd bin
u12345678:~/aspell/bin > ./aspell dump dicts
u12345678:~/aspell/bin >


This is an example of how my "config" file looks. 
  • Where should I make the changes for the speller?
  • What code should I use?

<?php  /// Moodle Configuration File

$CFG->dbtype    = 'mysql';
$CFG->dbhost    = '';
$CFG->dbname    = 'db12345678';
$CFG->dbuser    = 'dbo12345678';
$CFG->dbpass    = 'ZzXxCcVv';
$CFG->dbpersist =  false;
$CFG->prefix    = 'mdl_';

$CFG->wwwroot   = '';
$CFG->dirroot   = '/homepages/22/d12345678/htdocs/moodle';
$CFG->dataroot  = '/homepages/22/d12345678/htdocs/moodledata';

$CFG->directorypermissions = 0777;

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Som svar till W Page

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av Janne Mikkonen -
Put the path to the aspell binary let say right above
$CFG->aspellpath = '/path/to/aspell/bin/aspell'

That should do it...

- Janne -
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Som svar till Janne Mikkonen

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av W Page -
Hi Janne!

I made the changes in "Config.php".

All is now very happy stort leende in WP1 Speller land.

I have a few "How Tos" to write.  I will add this to the list for users.  It might also help some other folks using shared hosting with SSH access.

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Som svar till Peter Cameron

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av W Page -
Hi Janne & Peter,

I had a similar problem and I have the most recent stable Aspell  installed.  See the following,

Need Speller Icon and Recognition of dictionary - On Linux

Re: Spell ckecker release 2 Now multiple dictionaries allowed


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Som svar till W Page

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av Janne Mikkonen -
I'm an idiot, that's what only thing wrong blinkning

If you check direrectory names in /moodle/lang you'll see they all are in lower case and command aspell dump dicts gives a list like this:
and so on...

Now en_us is not the same as en_US blyg

Like I said, I'm an idiot...
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Som svar till Janne Mikkonen

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av Janne Mikkonen -
I just made fix for this and it's in cvs (use stable or trunk, same files). Check it out if it works.
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Som svar till Janne Mikkonen

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av W Page -
Hi Janne!

I just updated the v1.5 site I have the speller on. I got the speller button but the dictionary is still missing on the "popup". I think it may have been too soon after the changes you submitted to CVS. Will update again later this evening (past 6 hours) and see what happpens.

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Som svar till Janne Mikkonen

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av W Page -
Hi Janne!

The most recent CVS version of v1.5 I have been able to update to is 2004090600.  Will post in Installation Problems forum to see if something is wrong.

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Som svar till Janne Mikkonen

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av W Page -
Hi Janne!

I still do not think CVS is working.  I am still only able to update to version 2004090600.

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Som svar till W Page

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av Martin Dougiamas -
Bild av Core developers Bild av Documentation writers Bild av Moodle HQ Bild av Particularly helpful Moodlers Bild av Plugin developers Bild av Testers
That date version is updated manually (and only occasionally), it's not necessarily always the same as the current day.
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Som svar till W Page

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av Janne Mikkonen -
Check your spellchecker.php's (/moodle/lib/speller/server-scripts/spellchecker.php) revision number. If it's 1.3 then it's up to date.

- Janne -
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Som svar till Janne Mikkonen

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av W Page -
Hi Janne!

I do have v1.3 of "spellchecker.php" in the path you indicated but the spellchecker still does not recognize the dictionary.  I will reinstall the dictionary this evening and see if the script recognizes it after that.

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Som svar till W Page

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av Janne Mikkonen -
Could you also check from commandline what dictionaries do you have installed aspell dump dicts and put that list in here.
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Som svar till Janne Mikkonen

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av W Page -

Hi Janne!

Right now I am away from my computer [which has the Putty program on it / I cannot use it here].  I will check this evening.


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Som svar till Janne Mikkonen

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av Jeff Wood -

I have followed this discussion, but still have problems "No suitable.."

aspell dump dicts reports

  • en
  • en_CA
  • en_CA-w-accents
  • en_GB
  • en_GB-w-accents
  • en_US
  • en_US-w-accents

whereis aspell reports

aspell: /usr/bin/aspell  /usr/lib/aspell/  /usr/local/bin/aspell  /usr/local/lib/aspell  / usr/share/aspell

I am using 1.5 dev 2004091700 on linux machine

Any ideas??


PS when I change to     $CFG->aspellpath = '/usr/local/bin/aspell'; // *nix in the moodle config.php I no longer get "no suitablke" but no misspelled words are caught

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Som svar till Peter Cameron

Re: Error message from spell check - 'No suitable dictionary found installed on your server!'

av Peter Cameron -
Finally solved my problem.
  1. Upgraded to Aspell 0.6
  2. Installed new dictionary
  3. Changed path to $CFG->aspellpath = '/usr/local/bin/aspell';
Hope this helps someone else. Thanks to those who contributed.
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