Problems with exporting grades to Excel, Text or ODS.

Problems with exporting grades to Excel, Text or ODS.

by Moshe Golden -
Number of replies: 1

Version 1.8.x

When I attempt to export grades to any of the formats mentioned above, I do not get a request to save a file but rather an illegible Image of the data on the screen.

I should point out the we are using a Hebrew version but that should not present a problem. I might also add that there are some courses where the export functions do work but in most they do not.

I am able to go into the code and make changes should that be necessary.

Any assistance would be greatly appriciated.


Following are a few short examples:


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In reply to Moshe Golden

Re: Problems with exporting grades to Excel, Text or ODS.

by David Banach -

I am having the same trouble, excel, ods and text downloads are displayed in the browser and not downloaded.

Strangely, this happens only for one course not for others where the files download fine.

With debugging on i get a series of errors like this:

Notice: Undefined index: 777 in /moodlepath/grade/lib.php on line 1252

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /moodlepath/grade/lib.php on line 1253

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /moodlepath/grade/lib.php on line 1253

Table 'moodle.mdl_' doesn't exist

SELECT * FROM mdl_ WHERE id = ''

  • line 677 of lib/dmllib.php: call to debugging()
  • line 474 of lib/dmllib.php: call to get_recordset_sql()
  • line 414 of lib/dmllib.php: call to get_record_sql()
  • line 1253 of grade/lib.php: call to get_record()
  • line 36 of grade/index.php: call to grade_download()

and then an error like this one
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /moodlepath/grade/lib.php:1252) in /moodlepath/lib/pear/Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php on line 67

I am Running Moodle 1.8.8 (Build: 20090128)

PHP 5.25
MYSQL 5.0.67

This one has me puzzled.
