Moodle 1.9 for Teaching 7-14 Year Olds - Beginner's Guide

Moodle 1.9 For Teaching 7-14 Year Olds

by Mary Cooch

Release date: 26 March 2009
Publisher: Packt Publishing

Added to this database by Mary Cooch - 27 Mar 2009
Last updated - 26 Nov 2013

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  • Ben talking on the phone beside a monitorben reynolds - Fri, 24 July 2009, 7:16 PM
    I would just like to testify about Mary's book.

    I wish I had seen a reference to it when we started using Moodle. It is the perfect intersection of Using Moodle, 2nd ed and a teacher's perspective/needs.

    I have only read the sample chapter available on her publisher's website, but on the basis of that sample chapter, were I new to Moodle, this would be the book I would "hand" to my instructors (were they designing their own classrooms). If I had had it when we designed our first classroom, I would have been much smarter about how our classrooms were designed.

    Bottom line: best marriage of admin and "teacher" perspective I've seen.

    Disclaimer: This is a personal endorsement, and it does not represent my institution.
  • moi!!! it is what is is...Colin Fraser - Thu, 1 Oct 2009, 9:07 PM
    I have been trying to get my employer to buy me a copy, but they like all stodges didn't want to spend the money. After receiving it, and going through it, Mary is going to make me look like a real genius!

    Mary takes such a simple approach to doing things that she makes it look so easy. What an asset!

  • Fran LoFran Lo - Mon, 19 Oct 2009, 1:56 AM

    Very helpful book.  Concrete examples walk you through at the level of detail you need when you are first starting out.  I turn to this often when working with my new Moodle.

  • paulaPaula Clough - Mon, 19 Oct 2009, 2:26 AM

    This book is just what I have been looking for to help my Elementary teachers see the uses of Moodle.  It takes the teachers step by step through concrete examples that are usable in their class situations.  They have been having a difficult time seeing how this can all go together.  I will also have our English Language Development teachers from all levels take a look at it especially for the chapter on using the audio features in Moodle.

    Thanks so much Mary for such a great resource!
