Moodle 1.9 Math

Cover of "Moodle 1.9 Math"

by Ian Wild

Release date: 23 November 2009
Publisher: Packt Publishing

Added to this database by Ian Wild - 20 Nov 2009
Last updated - 26 Nov 2013

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Taking a practical approach, this book will introduce you to the concepts of converting mathematics teaching over to Moodle. It provides you with everything you need to include mathematical notation, graphs, images, video, audio, and more in your Moodle courses. By following the practical examples in this book, you can create feature-rich quizzes that are automatically marked, use tools to monitor student progress, employ modules and plugins allowing students to explore mathematical concepts. You'll also learn the integration of presentations, interactive math elements, SCORM, and Flash objects into Moodle. It will take you through these elements in detail and help you learn how to create, edit, and integrate them into Moodle.

Soon you will develop your own exciting, interactive, and engaging online math courses with ease.

Read the full Table of Contents for Moodle 1.9 Math

What you will learn from this book
  • Convert mathematics teaching over to Moodle
  • Enhance your course with interactive graphs, images, videos, and audio
  • Integrate interactive presentations and explore different ways to include them in your course
  • Create your own SCORM activities using both free and commercial tools
  • Add rich animation and fun games by incorporating Flash games and activities for engaging your students
  • Build feature-rich quizzes and set online assignments
  • Monitor student progress and assess your teaching success
  • Configure Moodle to display the complete set of mathematical symbols and objects
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Chapter 6 - Math Quizzes - is now available on-line at