Job offered: URGENTLY in need an expert in video use with Moodle, just an hour or two (paid!)

Type: Contract
Location: Telecommute

Hi Moodle Community,

I am under the gun to roll out our learning content which we decided long ago would be built in Moodle. I have a very urgent, very immediate deadline, and I need some advice from someone, specifically around the use of video-as-content. All, 100% of my content is Video. I need some help with this project very badly. This can be done over the phone or maybe even a chat client. This might be a way for someone out there to make some money pretty fast. We should probably have a quick phone call, and then jump right into the work. I am not looking for someone to do all the work, but rather to teach ME the best way after reworking what I've already done with my courses. But I need you to be an expert in video - that's very very important. 

In terms of hardware, I have a Linux machine running a very recent version of Moodle 2.7. Moodle 2.7 (Build: 20140512). The server running the application is available and whomever helps me will get immediate admin/superuser control, since that authority will probably be necessary.

Summary of where things stand right now:
My courses are 100% videos. 36 in total. I am using Vimeo to host the videos and the way I have the rest of it working as follows:

I have a category called Video Tutorials, and right now that is my only category.

For my first group of courses, I made a course for each of my videos (there are 35 in total). So, the way I set it up, each of these courses are Single Activity, and the single activity is Page. The Page Content part of the page has the embed code to pull the video in from Vimeo. 

For my second and third groups (they work identically to each other), I need to come up with a way to handle a Learning Path. So on these courses, they're set up the same as above, except with these, I have around 4 - 7 videos embedded on that one page. I need to be able to mark the course as completed if they view it (...if you have a better idea, then that's great but contact me please so we can get started!)

I'm sure there are better ways to do this. I want to hear some feedback from an expert and some pointers. I need an hour or two of someone's time, hopefully today, where we can look at what I've done so far, and you can tell me how to proceed. Once we work on a couple of courses, I can probably do the rest.

And as the saying goes - give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a person to fish, they're fed for the rest of their lives. That's what I need. So, that's it. I need to be instructed on 'how to fish', when it comes to Moodle.

You can private message me on here, or email me. But right now it is 11:07 EST on Tuesday and I need this help very soon - ideally today. I'd like you to tell me what you think is fair. Either an amount of money, or an hourly rate. Let me know what you think is fair. But if you contact me, please - I need to stress, I need you to be an expert in video with Moodle.

You can text me at: 


or message me here.

Thank you!


Entry added by Point Right - 28 ئاپرېل 2015
Last updated - 28 ئاپرېل 2015