Job offered: Senior Moodle Developer

Type: Full-time
Location: Lancaster University

Lancaster University is looking for an innovative and enthusiastic system developer to help in the improvement and support of our Moodle Virtual Learning Environment and other digital learning systems.

We work in a purpose-built computer centre and have a strong focus on innovation and staff development. You will be involved in the administration and further development of our Moodle VLE, contributing to our exciting “Digital Lancaster” plans to maximise the opportunity afforded by digital technologies.

You should have extensive experience of Moodle development, Linux administration and be proficient in PHP and modern JavaScript frameworks. Experience of containerization and building interfaces between disparate applications would be an advantage.

You must have enthusiasm and a demonstrated capability for problem solving, developing new competencies, excellent written and verbal communication skills, and work well in a team.

If you would like further information please visit

Entry added by Steve Powell - 12 dec 2018
Last updated - 12 dec 2018