Type: Journal article
Author: Matt Richter
Language: English
Published: 28 January 2004

This column features interviews with outstanding designers and users of interactive experiential activities. This month's guest innovator is Martin Dougiamas, who is the lead developer of Moodle and the website moodle.org. He's been working on Internet stuff since 1986, and therefore, thinks most people tend to see him as an “Internet guy”. In particular, most of his experience has been in education at a tertiary level. He was Webmaster of a large university and manager of a WebCT system for many years after that. He has postgraduate degrees in Computer Science and Education and, shortly, a Ph.D. entitled “The use of Open Source software to support a social constructionist epistemology of teaching and learning within Internet-based communities of reflective inquiry”.

This interview was conducted by Assistant Editor Matt Richter.

Entry added by Christian Lebe - 28 Jan 2004
Last updated - 10 Jan 2010