Type: Journal article
Author: Jay Melton
Language: English
Published: 16 July 2008


Learning management systems (LMS) can be used to enhance and expand learning opportunities in both online and blended-learning environments. Because commercial software can be prohibitively expensive, Open Source LMS, such as Moodle, are being used instead. The Open Source model allows many people around the world to build upon and use Moodle’s power. Administrators of the system can modify blocks and themes to customize how it appears to their users. A robust grading system is included and groups may be created to allow for projects and other work. There are a variety of asynchronous and synchronous tools for communication and community-building. Moodle has powerful tools for delivering content, collecting assignments, and evaluating learning. Teachers can use included modules to collect course feedback and data. An overview of how to get started with one’s own Moodle installation is given, and some of the basic necessary system requirements are discussed.

APA Reference

Melton, J. (2008). Need an LMS? Try the Open Source Package Moodle. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems 22(1), 18-21.

Entry added by Jay Melton - 16 July 2008
Last updated - 12 Sept 2009