Moodle in English

Posts made in Moodle in English

Moodle in English -> Blocks I need my block in all pages - mods -> It's really nice for floating toolbar... I found a simpliest way for statics

by Victor R -

Thanks all for your replies,

Both ways are very usefull, maybe the floating toolbar is more simply to implement.

but taking care of my needs (a static main block) into the mods and other extra pages i found this way that i hope be helpfull for you too.

In general terms I create a Theme where the system look in a simply list of files or directories, and if the page that I visit is into this list the main block (or all the blocks designed for the SITE) in the left side is automaticly loaded.

For 1.5 version

I atach you the code in PHP that you must add only in the header.html and footer.html files of your theme directory.

HEADER.HTML (at the Begin of the file)

//Must include the libs of blokcs  

require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/lib/blocklib.php'); 

HEADER.HTML (at the end of the file)



//this is the list of files or directories where i want to sho my Blocks

//if you put a directory all the files inside it will show the blocks

$fblocks = array("/calendar/","/mod/","grades.php");

//Here I use a flag to know if I'm in a page or directory of the list

foreach ($fblocks as $fblock){
    if(ereg($fblock, me())){


//Now I create a table for the main part of the page with two colums, one for the Block

//and other for the really content of the mod

  echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";

  echo "<tr><td width=\"120\" valign=\"top\">";

//This is the first colum

//I Include my left Blocks

    $PAGE       = page_create_object(PAGE_COURSE_VIEW, SITEID);
    $pageblocks = blocks_setup($PAGE);
    if (blocks_have_content($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT) || $editing) {
        blocks_print_group($PAGE, $pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT);

//This is the second colum for the content of the mod
echo "</td><td valign=\"top\">";   


<!-- END OF HEADER -->

FOOTER.HTML (at the begin of the file)


//If I put the Block in this page now I must close the table

    echo "

----------------------------- ooooooooo --------------------------

that's all, maybe I'll made a table in the database to customice the list of pages for the block.

If you have some question mail me, in English, spanish or catalan

Thanks all again. 

Moodle in English -> Blocks I need my block in all pages - mods

by Victor R -

Is there any way to made appear my own block in all the pages of moodle?

I´m interested in show the block in all the mods


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