Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

- Jamie Pratt の投稿
返信数: 20
I just created a page on Moodle docs with instructions on how to install the new version of Moodle for Mobiles. The Moodle for Mobiles code has just been updated to work with Moodle 1.9. See link below for download and installation instructions :

Please discuss the module here in reply to this post . If you think you have found a bug in the code please report it in the tracker by creating an issue for non-core contributed and then on the next page selecting Patch: Moodle for Mobiles on the next page.

Before reporting a bug you should see that it has not already been reported. You can see all issues reported here :
評点平均: Usefulness: ★★★★★★★ (1)
Jamie Pratt への返信

Re: Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

- Germain Mesureur の投稿
Thanks for the update Jamie.

I had to battle a bit to get it installed, but it's now running. I can access my site via keitai, and the formatting is all good. The display looks great on my phone's big screen (480x800). I have yet to test it on lower resolution screens, but so far so good 笑顔

I have a problem with the 'Enable' button for the quizzes. The button is there when I create a basic MCQ or match quiz, but when I press it, I get to a page with the following: [Couldn't insert record to enable this module for keitai display]... The page's URL is: mobile/www/course/mfmenable.php?enable=3&sesskey=3EYsp0Siyx&sr=1

Any ideas on how to fix this?


添付 Untitled-1.png
Germain Mesureur への返信

Re: Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

- Jamie Pratt の投稿
Did you do step 5 of the installation process :

5. Finally go to on your mobile phone to set up the database (you will need to log in as an admin to access this page).
Jamie Pratt への返信

Re: Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

- Germain Mesureur の投稿
Hi Jamie,

Thanks for the quick reply.
I thought I did, but upon accessing the page again (, I got the database update notice, so I guess I skipped step 5 when setting up mfm with moodle 1.9... It's all good now 笑顔 Works a treat!


PS: Can I suggest that you change the installation instructions to:
5. Finally go to on your mobile phone for moodle to to automatically update the database (you will need to log in as an admin to access this page).
When I first accessed that page, I was expecting some form of actual database set-up ratrher than a transparent update process...
Germain Mesureur への返信

Re: Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

- Jamie Pratt の投稿
That is a cool user icon Germain. I love Hayao Miyazaki's animes. Have you been to his museum yet in Suginami-ku?
Jamie Pratt への返信

Re: Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

- Thomas Robb の投稿
Thanks, Jamie, for this!

I've installed it according to the instructions, gone to the /admin section, added a quiz and turned it on for mobiles, but now when I enter the course via my mobile (still logged in as admin) I get an error message "required parameter (sesskey) in missing."

This is just at the stage where I am entering a course from the top menu. I experience the same problem when logged on as a regular student.

Shall I file a bug report on this?

Tom Robb
Thomas Robb への返信

Re: Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

- Germain Mesureur の投稿
Hello Tom,

I have just had the very same error message, and I "solved" it by accessing the site from a different phone, with a different user. I created a few different test-student accounts to access my site, to be used on different phones/browsers. I think the sesskey error is something like a cookie problem where the "student session" is not recognised becuase you were logged in as admin. I don't think it will happen with the student accounts...

Germain Mesureur への返信

Re: Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

- Thomas Robb の投稿
Hello Germain & Jamie

I don't think that the problem has to do with how I logged on because I only logged on as admin and ended up with the message. I later logged in as a student to see if I could get around the message, but I couldn't.

Germain, I bet that you have your course set to display in WEEKS not TOPICS, right? I traced the logic, and I think that the problem lies with this code in customscripts/course/format/topics/format.php. There is no corresponding code in weeks/format.php like this section and it calls confirm_sesskey() and is obviously returning FALSE.

if (($marker >=0) && has_capability('moodle/course:setcurrentsection', $context) && confirm_sesskey()) {
$course->marker = $marker;
if (! set_field("course", "marker", $marker, "id", $course->id)) {
error("Could not mark that topic for this course");

On another front, I wonder if the new code will work with newer softbank or Willcom phones. Comparing the current code in lib/setup.php I find these differences between the 1.9 version and what I had to do to get the 1.6 version to work with newer phones. Please look into to.


Current 1.9 version
function mfm_agent() {
$docomoRegex = '^DoCoMo/\d\.\d[ /]';
$vodafoneRegex = '^(?悲しい?:Vodafone|J-PHONE)/\d\.\d|MOT-)';
$ezwebRegex = '^(?:KDDI-[A-Z]+\d+[A-Z]? )?UP\.Browser\/';
$airhphoneRegex = '^Mozilla/3\.0\(DDIPOCKET;';
$symbianRegex= '; Symbian OS;';
$operaminiRegex= 'J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini';
$mobileRegex =

My tweaked 1.6 version
$docomoRegex = '^DoCoMo/\d\.\d[ /]';
$vodafoneRegex = '^(?悲しい?:Vodafone|J-PHONE|SoftBank)/\d\.\d|MOT-)';
$ezwebRegex = '^(?:KDDI-[A-Z]+\d+[A-Z]? )?UP\.Browser\/';
$airhphoneRegex = '^Mozilla/3\.0\((?:DDIPOCKET|WILLCOM);';
$symbianRegex= '; Symbian OS;';
$operaminiRegex= 'J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini';
$mobileRegex =

Thomas Robb への返信

Re: Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

- Jamie Pratt の投稿
I made the changes you suggested Tom to the logic to detect if this is a mobile phone accessing the Moodle installation and also fixed the bug that was causing you a problem with accessing courses that were set to TOPICS format.

I also fixed a couple of other bugs in the mfm feedback module.

Am taking a holiday until the 30th. Hope that the code gets a thorough work out during this time so I have more bugs to fix when I come back.

Jamie Pratt への返信

Re: Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

- Germain Mesureur の投稿
Just a quick novice question: The changes you made are on the mfm version available for download I guess. To "update" my version, do I just download the newer version and unzip it on my server, overwriting the exisiting one? (Yes, I backed up ;D )
Germain Mesureur への返信

Re: Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

- Jamie Pratt の投稿
Yes. You should probably delete files from the old version and immediately replace them with files from the new version.

You could look into using cvs to fetch the latest changes also.
Jamie Pratt への返信

Re: Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

- Germain Mesureur の投稿
Hi all,

I've been playing around with the quizzes, and all is working fine. I have a tip to share:

- If you want to test your moodle for mobile site from a regular web browser, use one that allows customised UserAgent strings and set it to something like KDDI-KC31 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/2.0 (standard AU / KDDI string). That way, your server will think that your browser is a mobile... Sure beat 3G speed!

- If you really want to see what the site might look like on a mobile, but from your PC, download a wap emulator such as the OpenWave SDK (free) which opens a "virtual phone" window... Very handy.

評点平均: Usefulness: ★★★★★★★ (1)
Jamie Pratt への返信

Re: Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

- Germain Mesureur の投稿
Hello all,

I might be doing something the wrong way, but I can't get plain pages from courses to appear on my mobile. I'll explain: if I have a quiz setup in a course, that course and the quiz are visible/accessible via mfm. However, if I use a course as a repository of text, or indeed simply as a structured list of links, this content does not appear and is not accessible.
For example, I would like to use a mfm course to allow my students to read a short novel chapters by chapters, then access quizzes to test their comprehension of that story. Let's say I pick a 'weeks' format for my course, and use one week per chapter, with the final week holding the quizzes. I would simply have a few explanatory notes each week, with a link to a moodle-generated (or external) text page of that week's chapter.

This design works great on regular moodle, but any non-quiz page is not accessible via mfm, no matter how basic its content...

Assuming that I'm not doing anything wrong, would it be possible to activate mfm to display an make accessible these simple pages?

Germain Mesureur への返信

Re: Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

- Thomas Robb の投稿
I couldn't get "resources" to display either, so I got around it by displaying the resource in the top "Introduction" section of a quiz.
Germain Mesureur への返信

Re: Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

- Don Hinkelman の投稿
Hi Germain and Tom,

Jamie can correct me on this, but I believe that MFM is only set up for Quiz and Feedback--and within Quiz, only three question types, Multiple Choice, Matching and T/F are supported. Description is not. As Tom suggested, the best way to add media or description text is to put it into the introduction text box of the Quiz or Feedback module.

Resource as you describe it, sounds like a great next step. However, adding other activities and resources would require another project to fund the additions.

Don Hinkelman への返信

Re: Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

- Jamie Pratt の投稿
Yes, Don is right on all counts.

Don suggests that you can 'media' in the introduction text box. But only gif images will work on older phones.

Section summaries in course sections also work both in the topics and weeks course formats. But labels are not supported.
Jamie Pratt への返信

Re: How to unpack via c panel

- robert maran の投稿


I would like to try and use the latest moodle for mobile, but I am having trouble following the instructions for unpacking the zip file. Your instructions say unpack the zip file in yourmoodledirroot/mobile/ - but I can not seem to locate such a folder. I am using a c-panel, if that has anything to do with it. Any help in a step-by-step explanation using a c-panel would be appreciated.



robert maran への返信

Re: How to unpack via c panel

- Timothy Takemoto の投稿

Create the folder first. There is a button on the top right.
Navigate to the folder by clicking the folder icon (not the folder name).
Upload your file there. Click the name and then unzip it using an icon above or at right.

Can you connect to your server via ftp? You really should get into ftp it is a lot quicker than cpanel's file manager.

If I were you I would create the folder and unzip on your computer, and then upload both the folder and its contents using ftp.


Timothy Takemoto への返信

Re: How to unpack via c panel

- robert maran の投稿
Thanks for the reply. One question though, when I make the new folder, where should it be placed?
Jamie Pratt への返信

Re: Moodle for Mobiles for Moodle 1.9 alpha version released

- Takahiro Kagoya の投稿

Thank you for a development of MFM.

I'm planing to use MFM on the Moodle1.9.4


Is this MFM adapted for latest Feedback module?

I installed Feedback module (ver. 2008050116), but it dosen't appear on Keitai(Japanese cell phone) .

I instaled ver. 2007102703, then it appear.

Please fix this problem, or please inform me about  MFM status.