Help Installing Forum +

Help Installing Forum +

by Vaughan Hamblen -
Number of replies: 0

I have installed forum plus and was not view the module in activites.  I figured it was because of the folder name for the installation was forumtt_16 rather than forumtt.  I deleted the module in configuration.  I deleted the folder under mod.  I had complete failure after attempting a reinstall.  I removed the existing tables and attempted another install.  below is now what I am getting.  I cannot find the duplicates to deleted them.  Can someone help?



(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_forumtt ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, course int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', type enum('single','news','general','social','eachuser','teacher') NOT NULL default 'general', ttset int(11) default NULL, name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', intro text NOT NULL, open tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '2', assessed int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', assesspublic int(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', assesstimestart int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', assesstimefinish int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', scale int(10) NOT NULL default '0', maxbytes int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', forcesubscribe tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', rsstype tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', rssarticles tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', timemodified int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY id (id), KEY course (course)) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='forumtts contain and structure discussion'  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_forumtt_discussions ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, course int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', forum int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', ttitem int(11) default NULL, name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', firstpost int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', userid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', groupid int(10) NOT NULL default '-1', assessed tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', timemodified int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', usermodified int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY mdl_forumtt_discussions_forumtt_idx (forum), KEY mdl_forumtt_discussions_userid_idx (userid)) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='forumtts are composed of discussions'  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_forumtt_posts ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, discussion int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', ttitem int(11) default NULL, parent int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', userid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', created int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', modified int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', mailed tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', subject varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', message text NOT NULL, format tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0', hig int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', attachment VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL default '', totalscore tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY mdl_forumtt_posts_parent_idx (parent), KEY mdl_forumtt_posts_discussion_idx (discussion), KEY mdl_forumtt_posts_userid_idx (userid)) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='All posts are stored in this table'  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_forumtt_queue ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, userid int(10) unsigned default 0 NOT NULL, discussionid int(10) unsigned default 0 NOT NULL, postid int(10) unsigned default 0 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY user (userid), KEY post (postid)) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='For keeping track of posts that will be mailed in digest form'  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_forumtt_ratings ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, userid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', post int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', time int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', rating tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY userid (userid), KEY post (post)) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Contains user ratings for individual posts'  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_forumtt_subscriptions ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, userid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', forum int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY id (id), KEY userid (userid), KEY forum (forum)) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Keeps track of who is subscribed to what forumtt'  

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'add', 'forumtt', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-add' for key 2


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'update', 'forumtt', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-update' for key 2


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'add discussion', 'forumtt_discussions', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-add discussion' for key 2


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'add post', 'forumtt_posts', 'subject')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-add post' for key 2


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'update post', 'forumtt_posts', 'subject')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-update post' for key 2


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'move discussion', 'forumtt_discussions', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-move discussion' for key 2


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'view subscribers', 'forumtt', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-view subscribers' for key 2


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'view thread', 'forumtt_discussions', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-view thread' for key 2


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'view post', 'forumtt_posts', 'subject')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-view post' for key 2


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'view forumtt', 'forumtt', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-view forumtt' for key 2


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'subscribe', 'forumtt', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-subscribe' for key 2


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'unsubscribe', 'forumtt', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-unsubscribe' for key 2


(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_forumtt_ttset ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, course int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', ttsetname varchar (255) NOT NULL, userid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY (course)) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT=''  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_forumtt_ttitem ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, ttset int(11) NOT NULL, course int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', ttitemname varchar (255) NOT NULL, ttitemincipit varchar (255) default NULL, ttitemicon varchar (255) default NULL, userid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY (course)) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT=''  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_forumtt_planrules ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, title varchar(255) NOT NULL, description varchar(255) default NULL, referenceid varchar(32) NOT NULL, referencevars text default NULL, fromoperator varchar(2) default NULL, fromdate datetime default NULL, scadence datetime default NULL, active tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', singlemode tinyint(1) default '0', mforum int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, mgroup int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, msgfrom varchar(255) default NULL, msgto varchar(255) default NULL, msgtorole int(11) default NULL, msgsubject varchar(255) default NULL, msgbody text default NULL, verified tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', expired tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', created datetime NOT NULL, engaged datetime default NULL, userid int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, course int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id))TYPE=MyISAM  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_forumtt_roles ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, title varchar(255) NOT NULL, description varchar(255) default NULL, course int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id))TYPE=MyISAM  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_forumtt_roleusers ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, roleid int(11) NOT NULL, userid int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY (roleid,userid))TYPE=MyISAM  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_forumtt_reportnotes ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, courseid int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default'0', forumid int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, groupid int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, mmsg mediumtext DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY (courseid,forumid,groupid))TYPE=MyISAM  

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'view ttsets', 'forumtt_ttset', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-view ttsets' for key 2


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'add ttset', 'forumtt_ttset', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-add ttset' for key 2


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'update ttset', 'forumtt_ttset', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-update ttset' for key 2


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'add tt item', 'forumtt_ttitem', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-add tt item' for key 2


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'update tt item', 'forumtt_ttitem', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-update tt item' for key 2


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'download', 'forumtt_posts', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-download' for key 2


(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('forumtt', 'enter planner', 'forumtt', 'name')  
1062: Duplicate entry 'forumtt-enter planner' for key 2


forumtt tables could NOT be set up successfully!

(mysql): SELECT * FROM mdl_user WHERE id = '2' AND username = 'guest' LIMIT 1  

Thank you, Vaughan 

Average of ratings: -